Chapter 33: The Coronation

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     Third Person POV

     The coronation took place in the Auradon Assembly Hall, a long room with a glass roof and many windows in the walls. Natural light filled the room decorated with white, blue, and yellow roses, white and blue lace, and tall yellow vases with blue decorations. At the end of the room, Belle and Adam stood proudly, side by side on a small stage. Before them were rows of benches where all the students of Auradon Prep, all the citizens of Auradon, and royals of other nations sat. Everyone was well dressed in their finest gowns or suits, and sat patiently while waiting for Prince Roman to arrive.

     On its way to the coronation was a beautiful carriage. In it sat Prince Roman and his date, The Dark Prince of the Isle. Roman fidgeted nervously with his fingers as the Assembly Hall came into view, and Virgil could tell he was nervous. "Hey..." Virgil said, in a voice that was strangely soft. "It's okay to be nervous. This is a lot, but... I think you'll make an amazing King." Virgil assured him. "You're a little biased, aren't you?" Roman teased, smiling fondly as he kissed the back of Virgil's hand.

     Virgil blushed and quickly looked away, causing Roman to chuckle. "Well... uh... The fact that I'm biased just proves it. When we came here we were forced to by our parents. We didn't want to be here, we were only here to set our parents free so they could take over the world." Virgil began, stammering a bit as he did. "But... You and your friends changed our minds." Virgil assured him. Roman smiled, but there was still a lingering doubt in his eyes.

     "I mean, sure, maybe teenage hormones and our trauma responses and shit like that had a lot to do with it." Virgil continued, causing Roman to laugh. "But, it was really your kindness, your determination to put everyone else's beliefs aside and change whatever you needed to make us comfortable, that made us like it here. That made us understand our parents were wrong. You bent over backwards for just four kids with a lot of issues. I'm sure that you'll do the same for your kingdom." Virgil continued, looking nervously at his lap and fidgeting as he did.

     Roman smiled lovingly as he admired Virgil, then took one of Virgil's hands in his. "And I'll have you by my side to make sure I don't break my back in the process, I hope." Roman stated, brushing Virgil's hand with his thumb. Virgil took in a deep breath, and looked back at Roman with a desperate expression. A look that said he wanted to, but he didn't know if he could.

     "Don't worry, mi amour." Roman assured him as the carriage slowed to a stop. "I promise you that we will find a way to cure your curse. We've managed to do the impossible so far, I'm sure we have enough luck left to perform one more impossible task." Roman insisted as he got out of the carriage and offered a hand to Virgil. "Right, and what happens if we use up all our luck, Princey? Will the Kingdom burn in ruin while we're the one's ruling it?" Virgil asked, rolling his eyes as he accepted the hand. "As long as our people are safe, and you are by my side, what are buildings and flora but things that can be rebuilt and replanted?" Roman countered poetically, causing Virgil to chuckle as Roman helped him down.

     Roman felt his nerves calm down after their conversation. It seemed reassuring Virgil helped him reassure himself as well. "Now, are you ready?" Roman asked as they walked towards the Assembly Hall entrance. "Yeah... I think so." Virgil sighed, holding on tightly to Roman's hands. "Keep an eye on us, though... I can't promise we won't pull something stupid at the last minute." Virgil muttered as they approached the doors. "Thank you for warning me." Roman replied in an understanding tone. Virgil simply nodded, and then the doors opened, and the chattering crowd within fell silent.

     Roman's nervous demeanour had changed as the doors opened. He stood tall, held his chin up high, and his shoulders back. He seemed regal, for being so young, he looked like someone that could be respected as a ruler. He walked forward, and Virgil walked beside him. Virgil was also trained to walk like royalty. While in the school halls, in his every day life, he seemed small and nervous, in this setting he seemed tall, relaxed, and intimidating. The two were so different, and looked odd standing next together. Their colours clashed in a way that told the audience they should be enemies, but with their hands together and their determined but kind gazes falling over the crowd around them, it was clear they were a strong alliance.

     Roman and Virgil's hands separated when the reached the stage. Virgil made a respectful curtsy, an action he performed clumsily since he was not trained in this sign of respect. He was more used to kneeling to show respect for others, but knew that was not a proper form of respect here. Once he rose, he walked to the empty bench in the front where he and Roman would sit. Roman took a deep breath before stepping onto the stage, bowing respectfully to his parents.

     Belle stepped down from the stage as the Fairy Godmother pushed a cart down the isle, the cart carrying a glass case with the magic wand displayed. Remus, Janus, Remy, and Virgil, whom sat in every corner of the room with their respective boyfriends, all tensed at the sight of it. They fought the reflex that had been trained into each of them, the instinct to follow what their parents had commanded of them. Fortunately, all four kept control over themselves as the wand was passed to Belle, who thanked the Godmother before stepping back onto the stage. Belle passed the wand to her husband, who nodded respectfully to both his Queen and the Fairy Godmother before facing his son.

     "Prince Roman of Auradon," Roman's father began, his loud voice echoing off the building's white walls and large windows. He placed the wand against one of Roman's shoulders, to symbolize that it was time for Roman to take his oath. "Do you vow to serve your Kingdom with integrity and honour, to advocate for the peace and unity that Auradon represents?" Adam asked. "I do." Roman agreed, still in a bowed position. Adam nodded in approval, then switched the wand to Roman's other shoulder. Virgil felt his fingers twitch when the wand came into sight again, but managed to stay seated. "Do you pledge to protect the people of Auradon, and make sure their needs are provided for?" Adam continued. "With all my power, I do." Roman agreed.

     "Then without further ado, the day you have been preparing for has come. I bestow this crown onto you, my son, and pass on the throne to you." Adam announced, gingerly placing the crown on his son's head. "You may now rise, my son. All stand, and greet your new ruler, King Roman of Auradon." Adam declared. As Roman rose, and turned to face the crowd, the audience stood and broke into applause. Roman smiled brightly, beaming in pride as he looked over to the crowd.

     Adam raised the wand into the air, and the blue and yellow decorations around them changed to red and purple symbolizing the new rulers that would be taking the throne. The white decorations remained, though some turned black or silver to represent Virgil. As the applause calmed down, the audience watched the magical transformation in aw. Roman admired the decorations the most, touched by what they symbolized. A union between Auradon and the Isle, which shouldn't have been needed since the Isle was technically part of Auradon, but an alliance that was needed regardless.

     The sun was setting over Auradon, and with it the end of what Auradon was before tonight.
     Whether the morning dawn would be hopeful or mournful, well...
     That would all depend on the events that would occur come twilight.

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