Chapter 8: Fair Play

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Janus's POV

     I recalled the events of the day before as I got dressed and did my make up. I was worried about Remus. He's... He's never been naive, per say, but... He has a really huge heart. He's the way he is in order to protect that heart, but... It seems that defence mechanism isn't working as well as it should. "That's because you told him to tone it down." I reminded myself as I put my ruby red hair into a ponytail and tucked it into my hat.

     Right... Well, for now, it works if Remus has their trust. They need to think we're 'redeemable' so they continue to give us the benefit of the doubt... however, Remus is starting to actually like it here, and he's only been here for a day. What happens if he gets too attached? If summer comes and we have failed to get that wand... The Auradon's will ship us back to the Isle, and we'll have to face our parents. Virgil might be fine, but the rest of us? Maleficent will probably blame us for her son's failure.

     I sighed when my new phone dinged. It took me awhile, but I figured out how to check the text Remy sent. Accompanying the text was a list of ingredients, but it didn't say what they were for.

     Remy: Virgil has a plan, we'll fill you in on the details later. Keep an eye out for these ingredients.

     How vague, as usual. Probably just in case the Auradons find our phones. I texted him back to let him know I'll do so, then excited the bathroom. Remus was dressed and ready to go. "Remus, before we go, I think we need to talk." I began. "We're going to be late." Remus sighed. "This is more important." I insisted before sitting down, gesturing for him to sit beside me. He did, fidgeting nervously. "I'm not upset with you." I assured him to begin, not wanting him to think he did anything wrong. "I'm worried. Remus, you know what will happen if we fail, right?" I asked him.

     Remus nodded, gripping his arms to keep them from shaking. "Yeah..." He confirmed. "But if we free our parents, things will get so much better. We'll have everything the Auradon's have an more, and we'll be free to be ourselves. Our parents will finally be proud of us, Remus. We'll be legends, isn't that what you want?" I reasoned.

     I don't really like my Mom any better when she's proud of me than when she's angry with me." Remus admitted quietly. "Then we'll have Maleficent get rid of her. I'm sure Virgil will have more say once we're free, he can make sure she never bothers you again. They can send her off to hunt down all the dogs." I assured him.

     "Oh, right, I forgot there were dogs here. I haven't seen any yet, thankfully." Remus replied, gripping his arms tighter. He winced, his own grip hurting his arms, but stayed like that. "It's okay. I'm here for you." I assured him, gesturing for him to let go. He nodded, allowing himself to shake a bit. "I don't know why I like him." Remus sighed. "I know I should hate him, I know it's their fault, he's probably just manipulating me... I guess it's just so rare for..." He began before stopping himself. "For people to be nice to you?" I finished. He nodded, looking down in shame.

     "It's okay, Remus. You don't need to do anything now. Just, be careful, okay? Maybe we can protect Logan from getting harmed when our parents take over, but I doubt he'll like us very much. If Virgil has something for you to do to help with the plan, I'll do it for you. Then we won't have to worry about any mishaps." I assured him. "I want to break something." Remus murmured. "Well, we could ditch class and try out those paints you got." I offered.

     Remus looked over at the paints thoughtfully, then shook his head. "Logan would get suspicious. I told him I'd be in class today." Remus informed me. "Of course you did." I sighed before standing up. "Very well, let's get this over with. We can find some things to break or mess with afterwards." I decided. Remus nodded eagerly before standing up and rushing out the door.

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