Chapter 27: Family Day; Coming Out

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Roman's POV
(Warning for: Slight discussion about death/dying, tense family discussion, empty threats about animal cruelty, mentions of past harm to animals, and mentions of animal death.)

"Ladies, gentlemen, and those that are both or neither. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you today, for a celebration of Auradon before a new King is crowned. Now, we'd like you all to give a round of applause, as The Royal Families proudly present, The Heirs of Auradon." Lumiere announced before stepping out of the way. Jaxon, Coraline, Patton, Iduna, the other first born royals, and I stepped onto the stage. I stood in the centre, with Coraline to my left, and Jaxon to my right. Needless to say, the few seconds of silence after the crowd's applause and before the music played felt terribly long.

"Be our guest, Be our guest, at Auradon we do our best, to make sure your day goes well, so stay and we'll provide the rest." We sang together as carts of food began to roll into the large court yard, which was decorated with beautiful gardens and fountains. "Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres, why, it's all that we deserve. Try the grey stuff, it's delicious! Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!" We sang as plates were carried in by waiters who danced in a way that the plates looked like they were flying.

"They can dance, sing a song, After all, this is Auradon! And a day spent here is never second best! Go on, enjoy our venue, take a glance and then you'll, be our guest, oui, our guest, be our guest!" We concluded as the plates, meals, snacks, beverages, etc were placed onto the snack table. The audience applauded again, and we returned to our respective families.

"Well done Roman, you did wonderfully." Mom praised as I joined her and Dad at a table for five. "Yes, considering you've missed your rehearsals, that went very well." Dad agreed with a stern expression. "Heh... In by defence those weren't the rehearsals I was missing..." I told him hesitantly. "Oh, right... I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Mom realized. "Why haven't you shown up to the Coronation Rehearsal?" Dad asked, trying to sound calm and patient.

"I told you..." I began, letting out a sigh. "I'm not ready to be King... or, at least, I didn't think I was." I admitted. "You have changed your mind?" My father asked hopefully, though he raised in eyebrow in suspicion. "I have. Now more than ever, I want to help the children from the Isle. Now that I know more about what it's like there, and what they've been through, I want to do what I can to fix it." I explained. "But what happens if they take advantage of your kindness?" Dad questioned. "Kind of like how you kept Mom imprisoned after she traded her chance at freedom to save your life?" I countered.

     It was hard, keeping my stance after saying that. Between Mom's thin lips, which I couldn't tell if it was from worry or from trying not to laugh, and Dad staring me down, debating on how he'd respond to that, it was hard to keep from backtracking. "That was different." Dad stated firmly. "How? You needed her to break the curse. If they were to take advantage of my kindness, it would because they'd need me to free their families. Is that really so different?" I reasoned.

     "To be fair, your father did save my life first." Mom pointed out, placing her arm on Dad's to calm him down. "Yeah, because he needed you to break the curse." I reminded her. "Look, I'm not trying to say you're just as much a villain as they are, or anything like that. That's the opposite of what I'm saying. I'm saying that they are victims of circumstances, how their parents raised them, the lack of control they had over their lives, the lack of resources to make a better life. I believe if given the chance, they could choose to become good. Didn't you when Mom gave you a second chance?" I explained.

     "I suppose you have a point... but can you blame me for being cautious? What happens if they hurt you? What happens if they take the throne?" Dad questioned. "No, Dad, I don't blame you... but I think if a group of four teenagers manages to take over a kingdom run by several adults that have each defeated their parents, then maybe we shouldn't have been the reason children hated you so much to do so in the first place." I argued, trying to keep my tone assertive instead of backing out.

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