Chapter 5: Not Quite Right

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     Janus's POV

(Realizing that warnings for swears are a bit too common for this fic, so just assume that for the most part there will be swears in this fic 😅)

     "Where is he?" I hissed to myself as I paced back and forth. It was nearly nine pm, he had been gone for hours. How long can one coffee 'date' be? The fact Remus was on a date at all with that guy was enough to make me sick with worry.

     When the door opened and Remus stepped in, I sighed with relief. "What took you so long?" I demanded sharply. "Logan bought me paint." Remus announced with a grin as he held up a bag of art supplies. "Wonderful." I stated sarcastically, arms crossed as I glared at him. "Relax Jannie. Anyways, how'd messing with Roman go?" He dismissed. I couldn't help but snort.

     "Oh, it was going quite well. Until he turned the tables on us, or more specifically on Virgil." I informed him, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. "Oh?" Remus inquired. He was instantly invested, and he tossed the bag aside and sat in his bed, giving me his full attention. "So it appears that we're invited to the coronation on Friday, the one Coraline was debating what to wear to. So after confirming that we were invited, Virgil asked if he should wear pastel pink or pastel blue." I explained as I sat on the couch between our beds. Remus snorted and laughed. "Perfect, and what did Roman say?" He asked.

     I allowed my smirk to grow and folded my fingers together, feeling mischievous. "He told Virgil that neither of those colours would do him justice. He told him to wear purple, actually." I told him, chuckling at the memory. "Wait, wait! Are you saying, did he flirt with Captain Emo?" Remus gasped excitedly. "Indeed he did, he even called him beautiful. Virgil was an absolute mess, completely thrown off. It was quite entertaining." I revealed.

     "Do you think Virgie likes him?" Remus questioned. At first he seemed excited, but then he seemed worried. "Wait... Does Virgil like him?" He asked again, but this time in a frightened tone. "I don't know." I admitted, my smirk falling into a frown. "I think he was just surprised. It should be nothing." I dismissed. "Yeah, probably. He hasn't liked anyone since Hook's kid." Remus agreed. "Well, he hasn't admitted to liking anyone since James, at least." I corrected.

     Remus nodded, seeming deep in thought about something. I decided to let him think, we needed to rest anyways in order to be level headed during the heist. "Let's get some shut eye. We wouldn't want to get tired during the mission." I suggested before getting up and walking over to the bathroom. "Yeah..." Remus droned, his mind elsewhere.

I sighed, entered the bathroom, changed into more comfortable clothing, and washed off my make up. I stared at my scars in the mirror for a moment, debating whether or not I'd feel comfortable with Remy and Virgil seeing them. They did know about them due to some accidental cases of seeing them, so it wouldn't be too big of a deal, but I preferred to pretend they didn't exist. "It will be night, we'll be focused on the heist, no one will care." I grumbled to myself before leaving the bathroom. When I returned, Remus was still sitting on his bed, staring into space. He hadn't changed either.

     "Remus, is everything alright?" I asked, sitting on my own bed. He looked quickly in my direction, seeming startled. "Hmm? Oh... Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." He assured me with a reassuring smile. "Remus, don't lie to me. What's wrong?" I pressed. Remus and I told each other everything, so the fact he seemed to be hiding something made me feel uneasy.

     "I... I don't know." He began, looking down at his lap and fidgeting. "Something feels off." He sighed before looking back at me. I could tell he was upset. I took a deep breath to keep myself calm before moving to sit beside him.

     "Like... everything here seems so foreign and confusing and different from how things work at home. Though, it seems kind of right in a way? That doesn't make sense though. This place is stupid and has stupid rules and the hoard all the resources and make us live on crap. Nothing is right about this place. I should ha-I do hate it here... At least I think I do... but maybe I don't? I shouldn't be this conflicted." He ranted, grabbing one of his pillows and hugging it. He was too strong so he had to grab the second one and hug it as well in order to get any comfort from that.

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