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(Author's Note: Thank you so much to everyone that has enjoyed this story! It's been awhile since I've completed a larger project, and I'm really glad I was able to complete this one! I'm proud of myself for the way I ended this story, it was a little different than how the role play this was based off of went, but that was because I figured the story needed some kind of climax. I hope you like this AU! I do plan on doing more with it in the future, I'll talk more about that at the end of the epilogue.

Without further ado, please enjoy the end of this story!)


Third Person POV
(You'll be happy to know that, for once, there are no necessary warnings.)

It was the last day of school at Auradon Prep. Virgil and Remy were in their dorm, packing their things for Summer Vacation. "Are you sure you're wanting to stay at Patton's Kingdom? Janus was pretty peeved when he found out you were leaving." Virgil asked as Remy neatly rolled up his clothes. "I think it will be good for me. It might be good for all of us to do some self discovery on our own. Besides, it's not forever. We'll see each other again next September." Remy replied. "Try telling Janus that." Virgil chuckled. "He'll be fine. He still has you and Remus." Remu dismissed. He put his clothes into his suitcase, and used one that Patton bought for him to pack things he got or made while he was here.

"Yeah... It will be a lot to adjust to, living at the castle..." Virgil agreed, watching Remy nervously as he set up his things. "I'm not sure what I'll do without you there, though." He admitted. "Why, Virgil. Showing weakness? Your mother would be so disappointed." Remy replied sarcastically. "Oh fuck off." Virgil chuckled, throwing one of his hoodies at Remy. His friend only laughed and caught the hoodie, a large smirk on his face. "Something to remember you by?" He asked, holding up the hoodie so Virgil could see. Virgil's rolled his eyes, and quickly caught the hoodie when Remy tossed it back.

"Don't worry, we'll Skype every day and we can always reach each other through text. It's only going to be two months." Remy assured him. "Yeah yeah." Virgil dismissed. Unlike Remy, he actually had less stuff than when he first came here. Yeah, he had all the new clothes Remy made for him, and gifts from Ember and his other friends, but Virgil had burned all his old things from the Isle. He didn't want to risk running into any more contingency plans from his mother, so he burned everything he had brought with him when he came here. Clothes, comfort items, books, and especially the spell book. Even the suitcase that he had brought. He didn't want to take any chances. He used the money Ember gave him to buy a new one. It was hard, but... it had to be done. Virgil knew he'd replace it all in time, and build new memories to replace the more painful ones.

     Once the two were packed, they went to join the others in the dorm across the hall. Upon entering the room, they found Remus and Roman in an argument over Remus's bed set. "But I painted it all myself! I should be able to keep it." Remus argued. "They belong to the school, Remus. You can have whatever blankets and sheets you want at the castle." Roman told him. "I want these ones!" Remus insisted, clinging to his comforter. Roman sighed in dismay, causing Janus to chuckle in amusement. "You're the King, aren't you? Can't you simply buy the set from the school? I doubt they'll want to hold onto them now anyways." Janus pointed out. "I suppose I could..." Roman conceded before turning to Virgil with a smile.

     "Ah, hello my Dark Prince." Roman greeted, walking over to take Virgil's hand. "Hey Princey." Virgil greeted in turn, blushing when Roman kissed his cheeks. "Hey! Remington! Last chance to come live in the castle with us." Remus called, grabbing one of Remy's suitcases and sitting on it. "Actually, I'll be living in a castle too, thank you very much." Remy informed them, pulling his suitcase back and causing Remus to fall off of it. Remus screamed as he fell, causing the others to chuckle.

Sanders Sides Descendants AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें