Update: Disney Next Gen Story

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Hi everyone! As I mentioned in the notes of this story, I'm working on a Disney Next Gen story with my own OCs of the Disney Character's children! I hope you will enjoy this story and the characters within it!

Now that the first chapter has been posted, here is some information on the story!



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This is a world where the Disney Princesses and Princes have banded together to rule a nation together. They all send their children to a special school where they'll will be trained to inherit their parent's thrones. This school is called Yensid Academy for Heirs and Protectors.

Also attending this school are children of those that assisted the Princes and Princesses in their youth. Children of people such as The Fairy Godmother, The Seven Dwarves, or The Genie are known as Protectors. They are raised to protect the heir(s) they are assigned to, and sent to Yensid Academy alongside their respective heir.

One of such protectors is Lillian, the daughter of Mama Odie. She is in charge of protecting Tiana and Naveen's children, Raymond and Evangeline. While Lillian is content in her role, and glad to help her friends whenever she can, she longs for something more. A greater purpose than helping Raymond make friends or helping Evangeline with classic High School drama.

Will she find such a purpose when she stumbles upon The Evil Queen's Magic Mirror?




Lillian is a free spirited girl with a chaotic good alignment. She's the kind of person that tries to help everyone, no matter what her own biases are. She could help a supervillain trying to take over the world and the people trying to stop said villain in the same day. Right now, Lillian is trying to help her friends, Martha, Evangeline, and Raymond with their own problems. But she does long for a larger purpose that will bring her greater fulfillment.


Raymond is the first born child of Tiana and Naveen. Being the heir to the throne, Ray has many responsibilities that he cares greatly about. Being Autistic, he has difficulty making friends, and spends his free time learning about various special interests. His special interests include bugs (specifically butterflies), flowers, mythology/folklore, and astrology. Raymond wishes to make friends he can be himself around, but there is also one specific person that he would like to become closer with.
If only he could find a way to do so.


Evangeline is the second born child of Tiana and Naveen. Being the second born child means she has much more freedom, and can just about choose any path she pleases. Evangeline dreams to travel the world and become a famous musician, and maybe take over her mother's restaurant once she's older. Her life seems perfect, but even a luxurious life with little responsibility (except helping her parents with the restaurant) has its problems. Between all her friends keeping secrets from her, and struggling with unrequited love, Evangeline needs more help than she lets on.


June, the daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, is most popular girl in school. Top of her class, President of Student Council, Captain of the Cheer Squad, and Head of The Yearbook Committee, June is certainly a role model for the rest of her generation. Secretly, however, June is sick and tired of the expectation placed on her to be little more than a trophy wife for a man. She wants to rule her Kingdom with kindness, intelligence, and strength. Will she be able to find herself of the gender roles that block her path?


The child of The Fairy Godmother, Martha is tasked with being June's protector. Martha, however, resents the notion that she should be responsible for June's safety and well-being. Because of this, Martha is extremely rebellious, and is jealous of people like Evangeline who seem to have little to no responsibilities. The only person Martha respects is Lillian, her best friend. Lillian is the only person that Martha has any respect for, including herself. Unfortunately, Martha's fighting with Evangeline proves to be a major inconvenience for Lillian, and if things don't get resolved, Martha might lose her only friend.


The son of Snow White and King Florian, Gem is the most popular boy in school, and is the other half of Yensid's greatest power couple. Adventurous, charismatic, and kindhearted, Gem seems perfect for June. That's what all the kingdoms believe, at least, and seems their families believe so as well, seeing as they arranged a marriage between the two. June and Gem do get along, however, they see each other more as childhood friends than as romantic partners. In all honestly, Gem has no interest in romance. On the bright side, his betrothal to June is an excellent excuse to cover up their secret training sessions.


Ah, Hope. The youngest child of Snow White and King Florian. Hope is close friends with June and Evangeline, and is thought of as quite popular in her own right due to the popular kids all seeing her like a younger sister. She's not the youngest of the group, but she is the shortest, much to her dismay. A torture to herself, Hope suffers from many mental illnesses that she manages to hide from the world. How much longer can she stay in her shell before she cracks?

There are more characters, but these are the ones you'll need to know for now.


If you like the sounds of this story, just click on my profile and check it out! Let me know in that story's comments what you think, because your comments make my day! Thank you, and have a great day!

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