Chapter 34: Learning to Dance

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Virgil's POV
(Warning for: Bullying)

     "Shit, wait. There's a dance?" I asked as, following the coronation, Roman lead me back to the carriage. "Yes, there is. Why?" Roman asked, offering a reassuring smile and a hand to help me into the carriage. "I just... uh... Well, I know how to dance. Captain Hook taught us. It's just... I never really did it before, except with his son when they were teaching me." I explained, accepting the hand. "Well, today's your lucky day, my Dark Prince. I'm an excellent dancer." Roman boasted, causing me to smile and roll my eyes. "Sure Princey." I scoffed, sitting beside him. "It's true, the King said so himself." Roman informed me proudly. "You're the king." I informed him. "Precisely." Roman confirmed, chuckling as I groaned at him.

Roman smiled fondly and held my hand as we rode the carriage to another building. I looked around in amazement as the colourful crowd of dresses and suits made their way inside, the sun setting on the horizon.

"After this, we'll go to the place I showed you last night. Hopefully the magic there can help cure your curse." Roman told me as he helped me out of the carriage. I nodded as the crowd was made to move aside by the guards, making a clear path for Roman and I. We stood tall, attempting to appear as royalty, strong leaders that commanded respect. Roman was probably more reliable of a leader than I was. I could see the crowd looking at me with fear and confusion in their eyes. Nervous whispers spread through the crowd as I walked past them, causing my own anxiety to build up.

My attention was pulled away from the murmuring crowd as Roman's thumb stroked my hand. I looked towards him, and he offered me a reassuring smile. I attempted to return it, but I think my expression had more dread than gratitude. As we entered the building, my smile fell with a sigh. I looked down at my feet once the attention of the crowd was no longer on us, letting my shoulders fall. "What happens if it doesn't work?" I asked. "Then we'll do everything in our power to keep you safe. I'm not letting you go without a fight." Roman told me with a determined expression.

"And I'm sure your friends wouldn't either." He added before placing a hand on my shoulder to make me stop walking. He let go of my hand, then turned to stand in front of me. I watched our surroundings as the rest of the guest stood with their partners, hands behind their backs, standing in a formal pose as they waited. I took a deep breath, put my hands behind my back, and attempted to seem calm despite having every nerve in my body being tugged at.

(Music recommendation:

Search: "Waltz of the Flowers From The Nutcracker" on Spotify or YouTube if the link doesn't work)

The orchestra began to play the music, a slow and steady intro. Roman stepped forward two steps, whispering for me to step back twice. I did. He then took a step back, so I stepped forward. He walked around me, and I walked around him. We walked in a full circle, and then stopped, exactly where we were before. He then extended his hand to me, and I accepted it. He slowly pulled me close, placing his free hand on my waist. I placed mine on his shoulder, and then the intro came to an end.

With the music starting, I followed Roman's movements. We walked together, to one side, then to the other, following the crowd. We walked backwards, and forwards, and then spun around. This repeated, and we picked up pace as the music and the crowd around us did. Roman spun me when the music picked up a tempo too fast to keep up with, and then we returned to the pattern of the dance. I could feel people that danced near us watching, whispering, and either moving further away to avoid us or moving closer to get a better look. Roman must have noticed me looking around, because he pulled me close and whispered reassurance into my ear. "They're only watching you because you are breathtaking, mi amour." He whispered, causing my cheeks to heat up. "I don't want them watching me at all." I muttered, causing Roman to chuckle.

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