Chapter 37: Ontop The Roof of Auradon Prep

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     (Alright people, at long last, this is the climax! Buckle up, cause this is a long, emotional chapter.)

Remy's POV
(Warning for mind control, self deprecation, and restraints)

It was almost eleven thirty pm when Virgil and Roman finally got back from the spring. The door to our dorm opened, and the two of them entered with hesitant expressions. "Did it work?" I asked, carefully grabbing Virgil's wrists with my hands. "We won't know until Midnight." Virgil told me, his voice distant and hallow, as if his soul was already elsewhere. "Then we can't take any chances... We're going to do whatever it takes to keep you from getting to the roof, okay?" I stated sternly.

     Virgil nodded, giving me a pleading expression. "Please." He said desperately. With a firm nod, I brought Virgil to a chair that Remus and Janus had nailed and tied to the wall and floor. Remus and Janus stood on either side of the metal chair as I had Virgil sit in it. "Is there a time limit to the curse? When will it wear off?" Janus questioned. "We're going to try our best to find out." I told him, placing Virgil's arms on the chair's armrest. I started tying ropes tightly around his arm, making sure the entire limb was tied. Just in case he shape shifted. Remus and Janus helped me restrain him, Janus tying Virgil's legs to the chair legs while Remus tied the torso to the chair. The plan that certainly wasn't ideal, but I couldn't think of a better one.

     Roman watched us work, an expression of concern as we did. "It will be okay, Roman." Virgil assured him, though his voice still sounded hallow. "Whatever happens, you'll be okay..." He added. That, he said with confidence. Virgil was a pessimist, and knowing him, I wouldn't be surprised if he has simply accepted the fact he'll die. But we can't let that happen.

     "Virgil," I began once I finished restraining his arms. "Listen to me. You can fight this. You are more powerful than she is. You have the blood of Fae and God. You need to live. You're going to be the one that saves the Isle, just not in the way we originally planned. If we can be saved, if we can find our own paths, then so can everyone else. But we need you. We need you to be a leader that they can respect, that they will listen to. We need you to keep Roman alive, because Gods know they'll kill him easily without you." I told him, causing Virgil to chuckle. "Hey!" Roman defended, causing the rest of us to chuckle.

     "It will be okay, Remy." Virgil told me. "Bitch, you being vague never leads to anything good. You need to tell me exactly what you mean by that." I retorted, causing him to roll his eyes. "Remy, if I die... You'll all be okay. Roman will still help the Isle, you will all be there to help him do that. You'll be a better leader of the group than I am, you knew far before I did what was best for us." He told me, his voice uncharacteristically soft as a green tint slowly began to go over his eyes.

     "Besides... I'm a burden to you all anyways..." He murmured. "No, Virgil, listen to me. I am not a leader. If I lead this group, these two will be off doing whatever the hell they feel like while I'm in bed all the time. I clean up messes after they happen I don't prevent them, I'm only good at helping you lead. Hell, the best plan I could think of to save you was to tie you to a fucking chair. You need to fight it, Virgil. You can fight it." I lectured, gripping his shoulders firmly as a green light covered his eyes.

     "Where are the others?" I heard Roman ask Remus, panic lacing his otherwise calm whisper. "On the roof. In case Virgil escapes and we can't stop him." Remus whispered back. "It will be fine, Remy..." Virgil told me, his voice sounding like two voices layered onto each other. "I've been holding you all back. You'll be better off without me." He insisted.

     "You're wrong. We wouldn't still be here without you. You saved me from my mother, saved Janus from imprisonment. You brought us together as a group and together we got Remus through all the shit Cruella put him through. Yeah, we came here with bad intentions. You lead us to manipulate Roman and the other Auradon kids, and we all did things we aren't proud of... Except maybe Remus, but, Remus would have burned the place to the ground already without you convincing him not to. It's because of your leadership that he was able to become close to them, because of you that we became close to them. Yeah, we had to smarten your ass up afterwards, but if we hadn't had your leadership to begin with, we would have blown the plan and our chances here. That's why we're a team, Virgil. We help each other. We need you to give us drive. We need you to make us our best." I lectured, gripping onto him in an attempt to keep him from shapeshifting.

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