Chapter 35: The Calm Before The Storm

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Third Person POV

"Thank the Gods that's over." Remus groaned as he and Logan entered the dance hall. "You did seem quite tense in the assembly hall." Logan commented. "Why is that?" He asked, causing Remus to tense again after having just relaxed. "We'll... We're going to explain it all later." Remus told him. He knew this would make Logan feel concerned, but hopefully Logan wouldn't question him too much on it. "But the important thing is, there was something I was afraid my friends... Or, even myself, was going to do, and we didn't do it, and the window to do it is shut now, so I don't have to stress about that anymore." Remus assured him. "That's good, I suppose." Logan stated. "It is. I promise it's a good thing." Remus insisted. "But there is still the problem of Virgil's curse..." He muttered as Logan took his hand, gently tracing circles on it with his thumb.

"Do you want to leave and work with the others to try and cure said curse?" Logan asked him. "No... Not yet." Remus replied, turning to stand in front of Logan. Remus paused, looking around at everyone else. He put his hands behind his back, mimicking the pose they were all doing. Deciding, however, that he hated just doing what everyone else was doing, he reached out to take Logan's hands instead. "I want to enjoy this first. This is kind of my birthday party you know." Remus decided with a grin. Logan smiled and nodded. Remus had caught him up with last nights events while they were talking to Janus and Emile that morning. Logan was relieved that Remus had a better home, a better family. Especially considering the one he had before.

When the music started, Remus and Logan danced along to it, but in a different way than the rest of the crowd. Logan attempted to follow the dance moves he was taught, but Remus was leading the dance so it didn't go as planned. At first, there was plenty of stumbling into each other, causing Remus to giggle while Logan would stammer and apologize.

"No!" Remus commanded in a playful manner, kissing Logan on the cheek. "No apologizing. This is fun!" He cheered, causing Logan to blush and smile. "I am glad that you are enjoying yourself." Logan replied, following Remus's steps after that. Remus grinned widely as they danced, and cackled gleefully whenever they bumped into someone while Logan would politely apologize. "I said no apologizing!" Remus would complain before pulling Logan away from the other couple.

Emile chuckled when he saw one of these incidents. "Remus seems to be having a lot of fun." He commented as he danced with Janus. "That's good, I suppose... He does need a break from all this stress." Janus sighed. "And what about you? How are you doing?" Emile asked, following the steps of the dance while Janus followed his lead. "I'm not as close with Virgil as the others are, but... it is still worrying." Janus murmured. "He's our leader, the one holding the group together. It would be... Everything would be different without him. I certainly don't like the idea of it." He elaborated.

Emile nodded, offering an understanding smile. "I'm sure we'll all do whatever it takes to save him." Emile assured him. Janus nodded, and they danced in silence after that. Janus was lost in his thoughts, and Emile didn't want to disturb him. After a few minutes, however, Emile did decide Janus needed a distraction. So, he began a conversation about Steven Universe, and Janus, glad to think about something else for the time being, gratefully participated in said conversation.

Meanwhile, despite Patton's insistence that Remy come out here with him to have fun and take his mind off the curse for a moment, Remy was sitting in the sidelines and working on a plan while Patton sat beside him. Patton pouted, displeased by the fact everyone else was dancing and they weren't. "I'm sorry, Pat... but this is important." Remy sighed. "I know, but... you already made a plan, and it's not like we have any new info. Roman's gonna try and cure it, but... What can we do? I don't want you stressing yourself out too much." Patton reasoned. "And what if it were Roman that was cursed? How would you act then?" Remy retorted, turning to Patton a serious expression. Patton hesitated, considering this for a moment.

"Well, the curse says nothing on Earth can break the spell, except for Maleficent's consent, or true love's first kiss... Maybe we could ask the Fairy Godmother to let us talk to Maleficent, maybe she just cursed him out of anger and will want to cure it after she calms down." Patton suggested. "Maleficent doesn't change her mind. She'll probably just have another heir." Remy muttered. "We could still try." Patton insisted. "And what if she has a contingency plan for the rest of us?" Remy asked, causing Patton to frown. "Then... We could look for magic not on Earth?" Patton suggested.

"There is Virgil's father..." Remy considered, turning his attention back to his plans. Most of them were centred around containing Virgil until the curse wore off. Between Virgil's shape shifting powers and not knowing how long that would take, however, it wasn't an incredibly reliable plan. "But do we have enough time to figure out how to ask him for help?" He asked himself. "Who's Virgil's father?" Patton asked. "Hades, God of the Underworld." Remy explained. "Oh..." Patton replied, fidgeting with his skirt. "There has to be some way we can help him." Patton sighed.

Remy looked at Patton again, a guilty expression half hidden behind his sunglasses. "Fine." He muttered, putting his plans aside. "Hmm?" Patton hummed, looking at Remy in confusion as the other stood up and offered his hand to Patton. "One dance. I need the distraction, and... Well it would be a shame for my best design to go to waist." Remy offered, causing Patton to smile brightly. He giggled and accepted the hand, allowing Remy to help him stand.

Once he got his footing, Patton ran to the dance floor, pulling Remy along with him. Joining the dance in the middle of the song was difficult, but Patton managed. He was used to being spontaneous, so sliding into the steps while others danced around him wasn't too much of an issue. Remy tried his best to follow Patton's steps, though he stumbled now and then. Eventually they managed to dance together, with Remy's hands on Patton's waist and Patton's on Remy's shoulders.

While the three couples danced, a fourth flew away from the Dance Hall. A large pair of dragon wings carrying a boy with draconic features, who carried the newly crowned king in his arms. King Roman clung to Virgil as he looked over his kingdom below, adrenaline rushing through his veins as he admired the view. Roman was scared that tonight, after finally finding true love, he might lose Virgil. He knew the magic spring probably wouldn't work, but... it was something they had to try.

Roman refused to let Virgil go without a fight.

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