Chapter 7: The Flower King

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Roman's POV

     "I didn't say anything." Patton assured me as we walked down the halls. It was around seven thirty am Monday morning, and we were on our way to meet the others. I was giving my friend the stink eye for giggling at me while I was venting. "You laughed." I reminded him, causing him to giggle again. "I don't need this mockery from my best friend." I huffed. "I'm not mocking you, I just find it funny that you have a crush." Patton informed me.

     "I do not have a crush!" I retorted as we arrived at Logan and Emile's dorm. "You literally do though." Patton insisted before bursting into giggles. I rolled my eyes before knocking on the door. I'm pretty sure Patton was humming along to the beat of 'Roman and Virgil sitting in a tree' as Logan opened the door. I would get back at him for this one day.

     "Good morning, Roman. What brings you here?" Logan asked. He glanced at Patton, who stopped humming and looked away. Then Logan sighed and looked back at me. "I came up with an idea to help the kids from the Isle trust us better!" I declared as I entered the dorm room. Emile was eating breakfast while rewatching Avatar, what was it the eleventh time now? Probably more than that. He paused his show, however, giving me his full attention when I mentioned our new students.

     "My idea is that since there is four of us, and four of them, we can each be paired up with one of them. That way we can earn their friendship individually instead of making them feel ambushed or singled out for being from the Isle." I explained. "That sounds like a great idea!" Emile cheered. "I could be paired with Remus, since the two of us seem to get along." Logan offered.

     "Alright, how about you Em?" I agreed. "I'll take Janus, he seems the most withdrawn. I think I can help him get out of his shell a bit." Emile decided. "Alright, that leaves Remy and Virgil." I replied, turning to Patton. "Hmm..." Patton hummed thoughtfully. Luckily for me, Patton was likely going to pick Virgil. After all, Remy was the Evil Queen's son.

     "Remy." Patton decided with an innocent smile. I wasn't the only one surprised by that choice. Emile and Logan were looking at him with raised eyebrows as well. "You're just picking Remy so I'm left with Virgil aren't you?" I asked suspiciously, causing Patton to giggle. "Well, that's part of it." He admitted. "What do you mean, so you'll be left with Virgil?" Logan questioned. "Don't worry about it." I dismissed, giving Patton the stink eye again when he giggled.

     "I was actually planning on picking him anyways." Patton admitted sheepishly. "Why?" Logan asked. "Well, I was really nervous at first about the villain kids coming here. In my defence, we don't know these people, they were complete strangers raised with their parent's beliefs, and we were inviting them to our home. That scared me, but... They don't seem that scary, and they haven't done anything bad. Remy seems to need a little extra help, so I want to be able to help him. Even if his mom tried to kill my mom, that doesn't necessarily mean he's bad." Patton explained. "Just be careful, he's a bit of a flirt." Emile warned. Patton nodded. "I'm sure I'lol be fine. I have you guys to help me if I get uncomfortable." He assured Emile.

     I nodded, glad that my friend was coming around. Maybe I wouldn't get revenge on him after all. "Alright, it's settled then. I'm with Virgil, Patton's with Remy, Emile's with Janus, and Logan's with Remus." I declared. "I'm sure you won't mind that." Patton teased. "Would you cut it out?" I sighed, causing him to giggle again. "I'm confused." Emile stated. "As am I." Logan agreed. "I said don't worry about it." I huffed before leaving. Patton giggled again before following me.

     Logan's POV

     I watched Roman and Patton leave before turning to Emile. He simply shrugged and turned off the tv. "We should get ready to go to class." He decided. I nodded, entering the bathroom to get dressed.

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