"I would have visited Aleya, but as you know,  for the sake of peace, the treaty had to be respected." He grinned.

"A treaty you have just shattered, twice," I grunted.

"Nonsense, the treaty was meant to protect the four territories, not to make them enemies," Mother huffed, glancing between the two of us.

"Ah, if only we all looked at it that way," Vaeln joked, gaze straying to me.

I rolled my eyes at this, as Vaeln watched her with more compliments. I stood frustrated, waiting for their moments to end.

"I- trust you have been properly welcomed." Mother began

Vaelns gaze trailed to mine, "Certainly, Kayos has been a ray of sunshine," he grinned, "he even offered me wine."

Mother's gaze met mine, raising a surprised eyebrow at this and I shook my head.

She turned back to Vaeln.

"I was not expecting you for two weeks- where's Gail?" she suddenly asked, now searching the room for his mate.

Vaeln calmed her down, guiding her to sit beside him, " Gail's not here, Luna."

"You left her behind?" Mother asked, slapping his arm, "You dare come to visit and deny me the chance of seeing the Arc Luna of the Light Court?"

Vaeln chuckled at this, "She isn't here yet, but she will be coming," Vaeln eased, patting her arm.

His gaze met mine, "I had to be sure it was safe here. The last time I came to visit someone was direly unkind. I would not want her to live through the embarrassment again."

"Last time?" Mother, echoed, her gaze snapped to me, disappointment dawning in her eyes as she seemed to read between the lines- but I was done with Vaelns schematics.

The light wolf was my direct opposite.

Whilst I repelled everyone away, he seemed to have the uncanny power to charm everyone that ever set eyes on him.

Even my mother. He was by far, her favorite of all my cousins. I had little knowledge of what love was. I knew my mother cared for me. It was no secret she cared for Vaeln as if he was another son too. Perhaps a son she would have rather had.

One blessed by Selene and not Cursed by her.

Either way, I was immune to Vaelns charms. 

Perhaps that's where his power failed him.

"He means when he camped at the edge of our borders a few days ago, breaking the treaty. I would hardly call that a visit," I informed, walking around my desk, "neither will this be considered as one. If you will not tell me why you're blasting horns in my Court, I will get you settled in as soon as possible. The dungeons have not seen any light since they were built. Perhaps you would do them a kindness. And of course, as soon as your little mate shows up, she can accompany you too. "

"Kayos!" Mother gasped, her eyes stern.

My gaze reached to hers, "They will be released at the appropriate time Mother. Two weeks."

She gasped at this, her hand tightening around Vaelns arm. "You can not be serious-"

"—It's alright, Aleya ." Vaeln calmed, leaning forward for a moment, patting her arm tenderly before his eyes trailed back to mine, more serious than it had been. "Do not fear Kayos. I do have a valiant reason for showing up the way I have." He started.

I remained stoic, waiting for his response.

His gaze shifted to mothers before landing back in mine, "I have come because- the situation has gotten far worse than I ever thought. Then we both could ever have imagined."

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