Chapter Twenty-Seven : Waterboarding

Start from the beginning

"I'm done." I cried with my fatigued broken voice. "I'm done."

"You're done?"

"I'm done." I told him, letting my head hang down as I looked to the floor. "I'll talk."

"Good." Janson said, placing his hand on my knee, squeezing it which made my attention shift towards his face again. "Tell us all about the Right Arm."

I used my softest voice as I muttered my words so silently that he wouldn't be able to hear me. Janson urged me to speak louder but I wouldn't, keeping my octave low. The man sighed, coming in closer to my face which didn't seem to bother him as much as it should have. I didn't exactly have my muzzle on.

"What was that Buck?" He asked me in an uncomfortably smooth tone.

"I said..." I took a deep exasperated breath. "GO TO HELL YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Suddenly, without taking much time to think about it, I took my teeth and latched on to the man's shoulder. All the soldiers started to panic as Janson let out a scream of pain, everyone watching in horror as I ripped out a good chunk of his skin. With his blood dripping down my chin, I took the skin that was in my mouth and spit it in his face, my loud bellowing laugh echoing through the room.

"The rumors are true." I heard one of the guards say to his companion. "She's mental."

"I'm more than that honey." I said, scowling at Janson while he held a hand to his shoulder.

"You bitch!" Janson screamed at me, taking his clenched fists and clocking me across the face.

I took it, the blood still in my mouth squirting out as my head was tossed aggressively to the side. Still I laughed knowing that this was the best Janson could do when I knew for a fact that he could do better. He knows my brother is here on this property, so threatening him would force me to do anything he wanted. Of course, I say this, but by now I think it's safe to say that we all know that's a lie. Even if Janson threatened Joey, I'd kill him faster than he could blink. But he could have at least tried.

I was honestly embarrassed for him

"You've gotten cocky Janson." I warned him but the man seemed to have no care in what I had to say.

"You'd think as our prisoner, you'd want us to be cocky and mess up." Janson brought up but I relaxed in my seat, letting out a slow breath of air, the water dripping from my hair and the blood drying on my face.

"Where's the fucking fun in that?"


When your stuck in a room all by yourself, you start to notice the little things around you because you have nothing better to do. I do it naturally, taking in every little detail about a place and a person. It's easier to break people down, they give you too much to work with sometimes and it can even be overwhelming. Take Vazquez for example. I broke her down to her very core, and I didn't even try very hard. It's too fucking easy.

Security cameras here are shit, I knew they were shit, and I knew there was at least one in here. I could see a light beside it that was red, which continued to blink on and off in thirty minuet increments, but not one person had come to fix it. That made me come to the conclusion that they didn't even know it was a problem.

It was the storm.

The raging storm outside the compound

It was messing with the cameras

Storms in the Scorch were way worse than storms before the Solar Flares, more vicious. I wouldn't be able to explain the science behind it, I'm a mercenary after all, not a damn scientist. Before Thomas's memories were taken away, I'm sure he'd be able to explain it. He was always good at being book smart. Street smart not so much, but that's why he had me.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now