Visitor Of The Corvid Kind

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Ili and Spamton began walking home calmly, Ili's camera equipment on his back. And as they went upstairs and unlocked the door, Ili dropped his equipment beside the door and sighed.

"Damn, that's shits heavy." Ili said breathlessly, "I COULD"VE [[carried it]] [for you]." Spamton said softly. "Bullshit, you weigh less than the bag, and you're missing a damn leg, like shit I'm letting you carry it." Ili scoffed, ruffling Spamton's hair.

Spamton groaned in annoyance as his hair was messed up. He smoothed it back angrily. "HANDS OFF THE [[discount merchandise]]!!" He said angrily, crossing his arms. "Not my fault you're so damn cute." Ili laughed to himself, a smile on his face and his tail wagging a bit.

"...SO, WANNA [[laze around]] BEFORE I HEAD OUT TO MEET WITH [[sparky]]?" Spamton offered, smiling absently as he tapped his thigh with his left hand. "Yeah, ya like the Twilight Zone?" Ili asked, going over to the couch and plopping down lazily. Spamton came over and climbed onto the couch, curling up next to Ili. "SURE DO!!"

Ili turned on the TV and flipped to the channel with the Twilight Zone playing, the episode on today was "Number 12 Looks Just Like You", an episode taking place in a world where everyone is transformed into a "perfect body" when they're 18.

Spamton and Ili merely watched happily before beginning to speak with eachother. "... ILI, DO YOU THINK I"M... [[pretty]]?" Spamton asked awkwardly. "Oh fuck yeah, you're gorgeous." Ili spoke without hesitation. "... YOU"RE [[insane]]." Spamton scoffed, elbowing Ili.

"Yeah, and? You're crazier than me." Ili laughed, his yellow fangs sticking out as he smiled.

The two stopped dead in their tracks as someone knocked on the door. Ili turned and looked at it, sighing. "I'll get it." He said, standing up and going over to the door, annoyed that he had to get up from the comfortable embrace with his lover.

He opened the door and came face to face with a completely pitch black  addison, who looked shaken up and deeply disturbed. He was holding his hand to his abdomen, which... appeared to be wounded and bloody. His breaths were labored, and he looked tired. "You're being stalked...." he managed to rasp out, his voice weak.

Ili stared at him, blinking, he was a bit shocked. "We knew that, but are you okay?" Ili asked. "... N-No..." The addison spoke before collapsing.

Ili caught him in his arms. "Yikes... uh... look, I know some first aid, and I'll try to help out." Ili said quietly, picking the man up fully and taking him inside. "Thank you..." The man rasped out quietly.


Ili sat, bandaging up the mysterious addison who introduced himself as "Sooty"

"He hired me to spy on you guys under the pretense that... you two were planning to kill him, but eh... I now realize it was the other way around...." Sooty spoke as his wound was bandaged. Spamton just watched everything from beside Ili, both curious and worried.

"... We kinda knew about that." Ili said blankly. "No, he wants you dead, and he wants to see your boyfriend mourn." Sooty explained. Ili paused, staring at Sooty with shock.

"...Me? I'm immortal, dumbass." Ili scoffed. "He wants to find a way to kill you... and... he knows how to hurt you." Sooty said urgently. "... What?" Ili asked. "You're a demon, a powerful one at that, but... he has his ways of hurting you..." Sooty said.
Ili finished bandaging his side, and pat him. "... Do you have this guy's name?" Ili asked.

"Micheal P. Rofone." Sooty said as-a-matter-of-factly.

Slowly, things began to come together in Ili's mind, Spamton's fear and his breakdown, the voice on the phone, the cameras, the stalker.
Whoever Mike was, he was out to deal the final blow of devastation to Spamton. To cause Spamton's death.

Ili stared at Sooty. "...Thank you for your help, Sooty. Will you be okay on your own?" Ili asked. Sooty nodded happily. "Yes, but here, take this."
Sooty reached into his pocket and took out forty dark dollars, and various knickknacks, a stray earring, unidentifiable coins, shiny pieces of metal, a necklace charm, and a metal bead. He placed the money and the objects into Ili's hand. "A token of my thanks!" He said with a grin.

"Now, I bid thee adiue." He said, standing up and leaving the house.

Ili stared at the money and the objects.

He offered the money to Spamton, who promptly ate it.

"YUM YUM DELICIS [[kromer]]"

"... Spamton, what the fuck."

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