Town Square All To Ourselves

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Spamton and Ili had ended up falling asleep there on the floor cuddling, Spamton woke up a bit and looked at the clock, getting up from Ili's embrace. Ili looked up, groggy. "Mh...? Wha'cha ya doin'?" Ili asked,

"... I"M GONNA GO MEET [[sparky]]... IF THATS ALRIGHT." Spamton said, rubbing his eyes and adjusting his glasses afterward. "That's fine, but eh... I have a spare phone, if you could take it with you, that'd be great." Ili said calmly. "... OH, OF COURSE." Spamton said, slightly shocked.

Ili handed him a flip phone, which appeared to be fully charged but clearly old. It functioned perfectly, though. "It's already got my number on it. Stay safe, alright, babe?" Ili said, yawning.

Spamton nodded and slipped the phone into his pocket. "THANK YOU, [[love]]" Spamton said with a smile. Ili kissed Spamton's cheek. "Have fun with your bro." Ili said with a smile. Spamton blushed and kissed back. "I WILL." He said with a smile.

・゚: ✧・°~『TOWN SQUARE』~・゚✧・°

Spamton slowly walked to the town square of Castle Town, the fountain of darkness looming in the distance. Spamton looked around for a moment before finally spotting Spark. He was pacing between the Café and the Bakery nervously.

Spamton approached, "[[sparky]]?" He spoke quietly. Spark looked up, and immediately upon seeing Spamton, he began flapping his hands with excitement. "SPAMMY!!" He said with glee, running over and hugging Spamton tightly. Spamton awkwardly allowed the hug, patting Spark's back. "YOU REALLY CAME!!" Spark giggled excitedly.

"... OF COURSE, I [[would never ever]] GHOST MY [[otouto]]!!" Spamton laughed, ruffling Spark's hair. Spark laughed in response and stood up. "C'MON!! DONT MESS UP MY 'DO!!" Spark said, smiling widely. "OH C"MON I [[haven't seen you]] IN [[years]]!! CAN"T A BIG BRO GIVE YA AN [[affectionate noogie]] OR TWO?" Spamton said, raising an eyebrow.
"I GUESS YOU CAN, BUT NO MORE!!" Spark huffed, trying to look angry despite being unable to stop smiling.

"SO, WHATS NEW WITH [[the others]]? H0W HAVE THEY BEEN DOING?" Spamton questioned, leaning back. "WELL..." Spark balled his hands into fists and shook them. "BIG SIS QUIT DRUGS, VIDEO QUIT DRINKING. AND.... OH YEAH!! WEBB IS EXCITED ABOUT YOU!!" Spark said with a big grin of glee.

"... SO JUST [[him]], HUH?" Spamton asked, a little upset. "WELL... VIDEO SEEMED UPSET ABOUT YOUR FRIEND, AND CLICKSON IS STILL JEALOUS. BUT... I'M EXCITED TO SEE YOU!!" Spark said, excitedly flapping his hands again. Spamton smiled softly. "...I KNOW YOU ARE, [otouto]. I KNOW." Spamton said with a slight chuckle.

"... SO CLICK'S STILL [[are you mad at me?]], HUH?" Spamton asked, a little upset. "UM... I THINK SO." Spark said, putting one hand in his mouth and gnawing on it. "... What a bitch." Spamton thought to himself. "SO WHO'S YOUR FRIEND?" Spark asked excitedly. "... OH, HE'S... [[my lover]], ACTUALLY..." Spamton said, nervously laughing.

Spark stopped dead in his tracks.
"... REALLY? WOW!! HE'S VERY STRONG, YOU KNOW!! MY NECK STILL HURTS!!" Spark said, shaking his fists. Spamton gave an uneasy grin. "... I'M [[truly very sorry]] FOR THAT... HE"S.... PROTECTIVE..." Spamton said, nervously messing with his hands.

"NO NO!! HE SEEMS VERY NICE NORMALLY... AND BESIDES! I'VE BEEN THROUGH WORSE!!" Spark said, holding up his left hand, which... was a prosthetic!?

Spamton grabbed his hand and pulled it down to get a better look at it. "... [[sparky]]... WHAT HAPPENED!?" He asked with slight panic. "MOTERCYCLE ACCIDENT, I'M PERFECTLY OKAY THOUGH!! WEBBY MADE ME THIS NIFTY PROSTHETIC!!" Spark giggled, flapping his one hand. "... JEEZ... A..  A [[whole lot]] HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONE... DIDN"T IT?" Spamton asked.

Spark nodded happily, retracting his prosthetic hand.

"... WOULD'JA MIND [[let's get caught up]]?" Spamton asked,

"GLADLY!!" Spark said with a toothy grin.

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