Beast Within.

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Ili stuffed the trash bag into the trash can violently as he tried to conceal the plastic bag of meat within his hoodie. "Stupid fucking... trash..." he grumbled angrily. "HEYA [[Illinois]] WHATS U-" As Spamton spoke, Ili whipped around and stared at him, his eyes reflective like a wild animal, his face had... something on it. He looked crazed and feral.

As Ili pushed his glasses up his expression looked normal. He closed the dumpster lid. "Hello dear." He said calmly. "...WH... WHAT WAS [[that]]?" Spamton asked nervously, gazing behind Ili. "Just some trash, don't worry about it." Ili said calmly.

"..." Spamton stared for a moment, before grinning again "ALRIGHT, [[i won't]]." He said calmly, going over. "HOW"S YOUR WORK GOING?" Spamton asked, gazing up at the camera. "Pretty good, but er... I might need to stop by the cafe to wash off." Ili said, wiping some of the blood off his face with his paw. "Wanna come with? Maybe get some spaghetti code or something?" Ili offered.

"ERM... ABOUT [[that]]" Spamton nervously giggled. "I"M [[banned for life]] FROM THE [[welcome to the color cafe.]]–" He said with slight embarrassment. "Oh light, he probably thinks I'm such a fucking weirdo all the time he's so out of my league man-" Spamton thought to himself.

"...Damn. That sucks." Ili spoke flatly.
"... So do you wanna go or not?" He raised an eyebrow. "I [[cant]], ILL GET [[thrown out like garbage]]!!" Spamton said. "...How about this." Ili said before suddenly grabbing Spamton's hand.

Ili's paw felt warm and soft, abliet a little wet. Spamton blushed heavily and just aimlessly stuttered. "C'mon, big shot. Let's go." Ili said with a chuckle. "...A-ALRIGHT- EHAEHAE-"


Soon enough, Ili had managed to saunter in with enough confidence for Spamton to go unnoticed. He went into the bathroom and took his hoodie off. He stuffed it into one of the sinks and turned it on, using another separate sink to wash the clotted blood out of his fur. Spamton stared at the water in the hoodie sink, which was steadily turning red.

"...WHAT HAPPENED?" Spamton asked curiously. "Nothing important." Ili said, washing his face off. "...DID YOU [[get hurt]]-?" Spamton asked with worry. "Nah." Ili responded blankly. "WHATS... TH1S [[stuff]] THE;n?" He asked with a slight glitch.

"Got shot with a couple of paintballs." Ili lied, "Some kids messin' around, that's all." He continued his lie. "...OKAY, IT DIDN"t [[hurt]] THOUGH R-RIGHT?" Spamton asked with worry. "Nope, I'm tough." Ili said with a grin. "...ALR1GHTY!!" Spamton said with a smile.

Ili looked into the sink at his own blank eyes. His pupils within the foresty green iris were small and dilated from rage.

"...He won't find out, right? Yeah. Just keep it on the down low." Ili thought.

"... No one'll even notice."

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