Chapter 4 Part 6- Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Can Truly Kill

Start from the beginning

"Yamazaki!" Otani said happily, pulling back a seat for him. Yamazaki glared at him, walking right past him and over to another seat and sitting down. Otani shrugged, taking a plate and placing in front of him.

"I don't understand anything you fucking do..." Yamazaki mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Otani replied.

"How you can blindly show kindness to literally everyone." Yamazaki responded. Otani smiled.

"Well, making people feel wanted is a big part of being alive today. And being nice can solve a lot of issues." Otani explained. Yamazaki rolled his eyes.

"Didn't work for my sister..." he replied.

"Huh?" Otani said.

"Nothing..." Yamazaki groaned. Otani stared for a moment.

"Well, it doesn't work all the time, but it helps a lot more than violence." Otani said. Yamazaki rolled his eyes again. The room fell silent.

"Alright, let me get to the point." Yamazaki began.

"I don't like where this is going..." Imamura said. Yamazaki glared at her, before turning back to the group.

"It's been three days and no one's done anything about the motive. We're all going to have to do another one of these killing games if someone doesn't do anything about it." Yamazaki replied.

"Yamazaki, we're not going to let anyone sacrifice themselves!" Kawata responded.

"Then what's your plan!? We haven't been able to escape this stupid place yet! We won't magically find a way out now!" Yamazaki replied.

"That doesn't mean we should kill someone!" Imamura said.

"Oh spare me the lecture... fucking activists..." Yamazaki scoffed. Imamura glared at him skeptically. She stood up, placing her hands on her hips and angrily staring at him.

"Excuse me?" She replied. "What's so wrong with being an activist?

"What's wrong is that you don't make any fucking impact to whatever you're trying to fight! This entire time you've been so angry at all of us! What does that do!? It doesn't solve any issues!" Yamazaki yelled.

"Well at least I'm trying! All you do is sit in the corner and brute about meaningless shit!" Imamura said. "Pardon my language."

"Oh god, grow some balls and insult me properly! Because I'm pretty sure that there are two missing near your chest..." Yamazaki replied. Imamura stared in shock.

"I don't... even know how to react to that..." Imamura responded. I looked at Imamura, as tears began to roll down her face. She must've been sensitive to what Yamazaki had said. At least, that was a guess. "You're such a horrible person... you know that!? You're a horrible horrible person!" Yamazaki rolled his eyes.

"I'm a horrible person because I want someone to do something about our situation? Does wanting to survive make me a horrible person!?" Yamazaki snapped back.

"WHAT MAKES YOU a horrible person is insulting someone for something they can't control!!! Insult me for my personality! Insult me for my talents! Insult ME for the way I treat others, BUT YOU SHOULD NEVER INSULT ME FOR SOMETHING OUT OF MY CONTROL!!!" Imamura yelled back. Yamazaki stared back at Imamura, almost surprised. "AND IF YOU'RE SO UPSET THAT NO ONE'S DONE ANYTHING, THEN GET OUT OF THAT FUCKING CORNER AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!"

"Imamura, are you alright-" Kawata began, reaching a hand out to Imamura. She quickly slapped it away.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!" She sobbed. She took quick breaths, trying to calm herself down. "I... I need to be alone... don't follow me..." she said, walking out of the room. The room fell silent.

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