Matt Daydream - Part One

Start from the beginning

"So listen, I just wanted to let you all know that I have recently paid another bill for the VPN; and I have gotten us a deal, and it will last for the rest of the pandemic. I also got some e-mails from the staff that are working exclusively from home, and they have all asked me about the problems that have come with the VPN and their access to it. And since we have so many staff now, I am going to tell you guys now that you guys all need to send some e-mails to your individual staff lists; and you need to make sure that they send you the e-mails, rather than me. I get that I am the CEO, but I am trying to balance a lot of people; so please, send out an e-mail to all of your staff so that you can do it." Matt then took a breath as he looked up at everybody. "Especially since it happened on my paternity leave, I mean really guys? You guys couldn't pick up the slack and tell your employees not to e-mail me while I was on paternity leave? Not only was I dealing with two boys, but I was also dealing with the pandemic and getting my girls home safe." Antonio agreed with Matt.

"Yeah, I should've done that for you." Taking a breath, Matt agreed with his brother-in-law as he said that; because he was going to have to talk to him afterwards. "Yes, and we are going to have to talk about that afterwards." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. And he knew that, because he knew that Matt was mad; he should've spoken to his staff ahead of time, and he needed to tell them that they should've spoken to him exclusively. And that was due to the fact that Matt had a lot on his mind, including the health and safety of his wife, daughter, and their twin sons. But now, they are doing a bit better since Bella is home. "I promise, I can stay afterwards." Matt agreed with Antonio as he said that, as that most definitely was something that he was going to do; he was going to stay back, so that he can talk to him. But right now, they are going to just concentrate on work; that way, they don't need to have this conversation once again. "Okay, now how about we get this. I need you all to contact your sales reps."

The three gentlemen agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware of what he was talking about. "I want you guys to tell them that they are only to speak to our EXISTING clients, whom we have established relationships with. And if they are approached by other agencies, they are to contact you IMMEDIATELY; and we will decide as to whether we pursue the contract, or if we say that we need to pass. Right now, my main priority is keeping the company going; and being able to keep a majority of our staff employed, and not on furlough. Furlough means that they don't get as much money, and that means that we need to pay them less. However, that doesn't mean that we aren't going to help them." All of the executives agreed. "Now, I need to let you know about something else; me and Gabby have sold our penthouse in Chicago." The three gentlemen were shocked. "What?" Matt agreed. "It gave us extra money, and we are just living here anyways; now, there's a reason for that. I want to let you know that there is an emergency fund now."

Antonio was confused. "Emergency fund?" Matt nodded. "Please let your employees know, that we will support them; and we will make sure that we all get past this as a company, and we will make sure that everybody also gets past this. I want to keep them employed, and I want to make sure that we can keep people healthy; if we can do something to allow them to stay at home as much as they can, then we're going to do that. And that's final. I have already decided that, and we are going to work it out." Antonio smiled as he heard Matt say that, well aware of who really proposed this. "Gabby?" Matt laughed. "You know it. Plus, we also sold the place in Los Angeles; and that will give us more money, because that will allow us to pay people. Now, when it comes to your salaries." Jay, Antonio, and Kelly all got nervous as he said that. "What about them?" Matt sighed as he leaned back. "Listen, I want to just say this. I love you guys, and I know this is going to be a huge ask." The three gentlemen agreed with Matt as he said that.

"I have never taken a salary from the company, and I would like you guys to not take a salary either. Instead...." Matt then went to grab seven credit cards that were attached to his account. "Here are seven credit cards that you guys can have for emergencies. I will pay them monthly as part of your salary. If you need something, you will use these cards. However, if you decide to do something fun; then that is not to be put on the credit cards. These are to be used for food, and emergencies. I just want to make sure that you guys are okay, and that I take care of you guys." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling at him. "I swear, I am not worthy of having you as a brother-in-law." Matt smirked as he heard Antonio say that. "Oh, remember that when you hear this." Antonio got nervous as he heard that. "What are you talking about?" Matt took a breath. "Antonio, I am going to be appointing you as my senior representative for travel; and you will be the man in charge of doing any business travel for the foreseeable future." Antonio agreed.

"Me, Jay, and Kelly all have young children; and we need to be here, because we need to take care of our families and be safe. You have Camila, and Ramon here to take care of Eva if you need to travel; and she can do things on her own, as well as help us. Me? I have three kids, and I need to be here to keep my baby girl safe. Now, I hope that you guys are all okay with this; and are understanding where I am coming from. I am just trying to do what's best for everybody." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I know that Matt." Matt smiled as he looked at him, before remembering something. "Now, when it comes to visitors; you are to make sure that they are tested before they come, and that you have my approval. Nobody comes in or out of my building without my permission. And Jay, tell Will and Natalie that if they ever decide to stay in a hotel; then they are to put it on my card, and that I am going to pay for their health." Jay agreed. "We are actually taking care of Owen for them right now."

Matt agreed with Jay as he said that. "Then effective immediately, you are to work from home; and you are not to leave Alex at home alone with three kids. The only way that I can do it, is because I have Camila up there all the time. By the way, Antonio...I want you to try and work from home as much as you can, because I do not want Camila to expose this; Camila needs to stay safe, because she's with Gabby and my three kids all the time." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that. "I already told Eva not to go out." Matt sighed. "I still need to talk to John about how we're going to continue his deal, just tell her to be on standby. I don't know how the deal is working out, because I am not sure whether I want to have his lawyers come in too often; or even clients, because that's risky. After all, I have already closed the second and third floors of the building; and that was not easy to do." Antonio sighed as he heard Matt say that, well aware that was probably not the easiest thing for him to have done. "Let me guess, that was hard for you to do?"

Matt took a breath as he heard Antonio ask him whether it was hard, because it most definitely was hard. "Oh, it most definitely was. But listen, I am not sure whether I am going to be back here this afternoon. Rather, I think I may just go work upstairs for the rest of the day; and unless I need to meet with a lot of people, then I am going to just stay home with Gabby, Matteo, Noah, and Bella." Antonio agreed with Matt when he said that, as that most definitely is something that he can agree with. "I'm glad that's the case, because I know that you're really worried about them." Matt agreed with Antonio as he said that, before taking a breath. "Yes, I am worried about them, and that's why I need to go stay with them right now." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling at him. "Then how about you get out of here, and go be safe with your family?" Matt agreed with him, smiling as that was exactly what he wanted to do; he wanted to go spend some time with his family, and just take it easy with his family. "Take a bit of time off."

All three of the executives were shocked as they heard Matt say that. "Really?" Matt nodded. "I am taking the rest of the day with the kids, so you guys can do the same." Antonio smiled as he heard Matt say that, glad that was exactly what was he was going to do today; after all, that was exactly what he was going to do as well. He was going to spend some time with Eva, as well as his mother; because that was exactly what they both wanted to do right now. They just wanted to relax and take it easy; and that was exactly what they're going to do, as soon as Matt was upstairs (and he was holding his baby girl in his arms). And god, that was going to be nice. 

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now