27||Backstories and Embarrassing Stories

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"So, we don't have much...We got mango, orange, guava, or apple juice. Pick your poison." (Name) slammed the large bottles of juice onto the counter in the order he listed them to add flashiness. Kaku just patiently watched as he was(being held hostage) holding his bowl of ice.

"Uh, guava I guess. You sure that's it? No pineapple?" The CP9 agent has been craving pineapples recently since yesterday. Maybe because it was part of his alias as Kaku the "shipwright" where behind closed doors, he was a pineapple addict. It wasn't intentional, but he somehow grew accustomed to any food associated with the spiky, yellow fruit during his 5 year mission.

(Name) paused before turning to dig around the fridge for a minute.

Kaku was beginning to loose hope until the other man pulled out a clear bottle with yellowish liquid. "You're in luck my friend. They got pineapple juice."

"You have my gratitude."

(Name) untwisted the cap and flicked it off, tipping the bottle and pouring a good amount of pineapple juice onto half of Kaku's bowl. "You want anything else with that?"

The long nosed agent shook his head. "I'm quite alright. I've just been craving pineapple."

The musician shrugged. "Suit yourself." He poured the pineapple flavored liquid onto the other half of his guest's bowl before screwing the lid back on and shoving it back into the fridge.

His hand made it's way to the (flavor) juice and unscrewed the lid like before, pouring it over half of his bowl of ice, screwing it closed, and shoving it into the fridge. He repeated this process with the (flavor) juice before shoving all of the juices back into the fridge, slamming it shut.

Kaku grabbed 2 spoons out of the drawer beside where he was sitting and tossed it over to (Name). The lower ranking marine fumbled to catch the utensil, the spoon bouncing from one hand to another in a panic before properly grasping it. The ginger agent eyed him weirdly.

"Don't look at me like that. I didn't have a dad around to teach me how to catch." (Name) huffed, shoving a spoonful of the flavored ice into his mouth before immediately setting his bowl down and holding his head. The low temperature of his cold treat was racing to his brain causing it to practically  freeze.

The Zoan user just watched with a blank face at (Name)'s inner turmoils, calmly taking a spoonful of his own ice and eating it slower, careful to not fall into the cold clutches of a brain freeze unlike his less fortunate acquaintance.

The marine-musician-infiltrator(?)-pirate-worldjumper-insomniac(kind of)-Simp-Artist-bartender-storyteller-Sugar baby-ankle biter—WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL HIM, kept hitting the counter over and over again, eyes shut in agony as the cold pain receded from his noggin.

"Are you alright? Do I need to get you assistance? Your generosity with snow cones has influenced my decision to accommodate to your needs for a while." The agent set down his bowl to get a nurse to look over (Name), but a hand waved away his suggestion.

"Nah I'm good." He wheezed out in terribly hidden pain. "Anygays, you speak like an old man. It reminds me of my neighbor."

"No, really?" Kaku responded, already used to the comment he receives all the time.

"Yes, really." (Name) groaned dejectedly, his energy sapped from his most recent episode, shoving a spoonful of flavored ice into his mouth. He was careful to ingest it slowly as to not fall into the painful clutches known as a brain freeze.

So there they were.

Sitting in a comfortable silence.

Just eating snow cones—

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