26||Beating People Up, Venting, and CP9(in that order)

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^and 45% of the other characters in One Piece.


(Name)'s eyes flashed between his phone inventory and where his hair pins just were. He could have sworn he had them on his bag when he left the info unit like an hour ago.

He looked back at his phone and transferred the pins to his Hotbar. His eyes immediately went back to the strap on his bag.

The hair clips appeared there in the exact same position as before as if it hadn't disappeared just a few seconds ago.

He transferred the clips to his inventory.

The clips disappeared.

To the Hotbar. They reappeared.

Welp, now I know how to get rid of the evidence...

"Hey! Newbie!"

(Name) lifted his head to look at the man standing by the doorway with his friend and grimaced they really had to interrupt his breakthrough moment. "What?"

"Better not be a wimp. Vice admiral Garp is stationed here for the next 2 months. Put on your big-boy pants and be sure not to piss in them." The other man chided with a condescending attitude, crossing his arms in exaggerated superiority.

E/c eyes just stared straight into his fellow marine's soul, his gaze psychoanalyzing the man across the room. The man he was staring at was growing restless at the unrelenting stare before glaring at (Name). "Got something to say, country bumpkin—"

"It's a shame your mother didn't swallow you." (Name) caught off, voice unusually nonchalant and airy. His expression was uninterested as he went back to hiding the evidence and transferring items from his Hotbar to his inventory.

The random marine uncrossed his arms as he started to stomp across the creaky floors toward the new recruit. His tan hand grabbed (Name)'s collar and jerked him up from his bed where he sat. "Listen here you fucking asswipe. I'm your superior officer. I know how to make your life a living hell. So either fall in line or get your ass handed to." He sneered, fist gripping the cloth so tightly it was shaking.

The other marine that was with him was long gone, not wanting to get involved with his friend's antics again.

The newcomer smirked tauntingly. "I forgot the world revolves around you. My apologies, sir."

The superior officer pulled back his fist and swung forward only to have his punch deflected up by the palms of his target.

(Name) frowned. "Man. You were in the womb for 9 months and your carrier still didn't have enough time to give you a good personality." He grabbed the other marine's arm and twisted it awkwardly, successfully evoking a gasp of pain from his opponent. The musician raised his foot and kicked back his coworker a few feet to keep him away.

The marine who assaulted him ungripped his collar and staggered back before turning tail and running out the room, most likely informing a superior officer above the both of them about (Name)'s actions.

The infiltrator scoffed before rolling his eyes and dusted off his clothes, flattening his wrinkled collar and tying on his neckerchief once more. "Man, that guy has more dick in his personality than in his pants..." came the words that were muttered out of his mouth in agitation. He walked back to his bed and sat down, grimacing at the paper thin mattress

Not even a minute passed before the door was burst open, 2 more buff marine's strutting into the room, their weight making the floors creak even louder than normal. The man (Name) had kicked was following right behind them, a triumphant smirk on his face as he looked at him as if saying 'you done messed up, my guy.'

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