22||Bread Restocking and (Name)'s Misadventures

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"Ara? A Buster Call?"

(Name) perked up at the sudden break in the silence in the office. Buster wha–? Oh yeah! I kind of have to save mom. But like, I know she'll survive anyways. I'll just drop the bomb when we meet again at Marineford and I make the News. I can't come into contact with them again until then or else I'll be suspected for treason against the marines. I still need my awesome training arc saga.

"(Name). I've been requested to monitor the Buster Call at Enies Lobby. Don't get into trouble." Aokiji sighed as he tugged off his sleeping mask. The Buster call just had to interrupt nap time. He really couldn't catch a break these days.

The musician nodded lazily as he kept scrolling through the World Jump app and it's options.

The copied ice powers already wore off a few hours ago so he couldn't make snow cones without asking or copying the powers again. But hey, it was better than sensing who was passing by your door every 3 seconds with observation.

"Yeah, Yeah. You know I can be immature, but I'm not a child, Elsa."

"Would you knock off the Elsa?" He groaned in annoyance as he lifted himself off his seat to attend to the warships that would soon arrive at Enies Lobby. "And I can't trust your word because you're a fucking ankle biter."

"Well if you want my honest opinion, out of all the ankles I've bitten, yours are probably around a 5 out of 10." (Name) shrugged off, not even glancing at Aokiji. If he did, he would've seen the slightly offended and confused expression on his face.

Rolling his eyes, he pulled back his sleeve and looked at his watch "Whatever. I'll be back in a roughly 4 to 5 hours if the Buster Call runs smoothly."

"M'kay. Get going AdmIrAl AOkiJi." The musician mocked, curling into his seat even farther like a spiteful teenager.

There was no reply.

(Name) looked up from his phone only to see the room empty. He scoffed. Rude.

He glanced at the plastic bag beside him and sighed. Laying inside was his drenched clothes when he fell into the ocean. Right now, he was using his extra pair he kept in another plastic bag.

"Man, that was my favorite shirt/dress/top, too." He sulked as he pushed away the squishy plastic holding his clothes. Pondering for a moment, he thought of an idea to relieve his boredom besides scrolling on his phone. "I'll raid the kitchen!"

And so that was that.


"Why the fuck is there a fucking gremlin raiding the pantry?!" The head chef screeched as he pointed accusingly at the e/c eyed fellow eating some bread, many other loaves of bread surrounding him.

"What's good, bro?" (Name) waved casually, still chewing his food. "Your bread needs more sugar not gonna lie."

"GET OUT!" The head chef was pushed out of the way by marine foot soldiers with shot guns as they lined the exit.

"Alright, imma dip." Out protagonist proceeded to swiftly scoop up a loaf of bread and his bag holding 7 specially baked bread in the crinkly clear bags.

Of course, he had saved a copied ability from Skypeia from a particular Shandian who literally kicked him out of his island just in case.

"Mirror imitation..." he mumbled, bread still being held in his mouth as he felt the sudden surge of Wyper's copied abilities. Alright. 30 minutes is more than enough time.

Instead of jumping right into fighting, he decided to use the secret Jojo technique...

The secret technique of running away of course.

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