10||Story Time

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"It all changed when the Fire Nation attacked."

(Name) began grimly, face void of any emotion. He had his fingers laced together as he faced Crocodile and Ms.All-Sunday as the other number agents surrounded him. It was his 3rd day on the job.

"Fire Lord Sozin initiated the War between the other elemental kingdoms consisting of Earth, Water, and Air." He continued as the 2 people in front of him stared at him weirdly(it was actually in anticipation).

(Name)'s looked between the 2 before taking a drag of his lollipop(you can't tell me you haven't pretended to smoke a lollipop before)."He wanted to spread his nation's prosperity to the rest of the world. He decided the best way to do it, was I don't know take over the fucking world."

They didn't seem fazed by the explicit language usage, but Robin—ahem—Ms.All-Sunday, narrowed her eyes in warning. Crocodile just stayed silent as he listened on.

"The avatar, the only person in the world who could manipulate all 4 elements, was the person who is supposed to keep the balance in the world. But when the world needed him most, he vanished." (Name) exaggerated as he clapped his hands and slowly parted them while wriggling his fingers to demonstrate vanishing.

"No." Ms.Doublefinger said unbelieving, taking a drag of her pipe with slightly widened eyes.

"You bet your ass he did." (Name) said matter-of-factly."Vanished. For a HUNDRED years."

"Wouldn't that mean he's dead?" Mr.One interrupted.

"Nobody asked for you bloody input, mR.oNe." The musician said in a childish taunt as he blew a raspberry at the agent.

The number agent scoffed and glared at him but stayed silent otherwise, an obvious sign to continue.

"So basically, he was a 12 year old air-bender from the Southern Air Temple where he grew up with other air nomads. After he found out he was the avatar and people treated him differently, he ran away with a flying bison named Appa during a storm." He said, a dark look overshadowing his eyes. The others seemed unnerved and began to feel themselves move towards the edges of their seats.

"He was blown down and into cold water where he was trapped there for 100 years in ice. He was freed by 2 teenagers named Sokka and Katara who were part of the Souther Water Tribe. Their mother was killed by Fire Nation soldiers and their father went to fight in the war years earlier." (Name) explained.

"Wouldn't that mean he froze to death?—" Mr.2, Bon-Clay, pondered aloud but he was interrupted by loud shushing from his peers.

"It's plot armor, don't question it." The newcomer dismissed with a wave of his hand."So basically, after lots of fights and shit, they encounter a bratty disowned child of the current Fire Lord who has to capture the avatar and regain his honor to be adopted again by his mentally fucked up family."

"That's pretty fucked up." Crocodile said, puffing out smoke from the corner of his mouth, taking a sip of his strawberry margarita brewed by yours truly.

"I know right?!" (Name) said with look of respect towards the warlord."He also has this gnarly scar on the right side of his face when his father challenged him to a duel because he disrespected him. So basically, this goes on for roughy 3 seasons until he realizes he's done being a prissy emo shit and takes his own path and becomes friends with the avatar and trains him."

"Woah, plot twist." Mr.One muttered, taking a swig of his Gin and tonic.

"Also, during those 3 seasons, they met an earth bender named Toph who taught Aang, the avatar, how to earth-bend. They also made lots of allies and enemies and Sokka's girlfriend got turned into the moon and they broke in and out of a prison." (Name) grinned."So a year or so later, they decide to finally break into the Fire Nation and defeat the Fire-lord with all the allies they gathered. Also, I forgot to mention Zuko, the son of the Fire Lord, has a crazy sister that has hallucinations and has a superiority complex. The war ends when Aang seals away Fire-Lord Ozai's bending forever. He also hooked up with Katara. The end."

𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜||𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora