17||Kung-fu Panda

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Happy late birthday for Shanks and Mihawk

A/N: the winner of the last vote for either the Sketch Sketch Fruit or Ghost Ghost Fruit(spirit spirit fruit) has been decided. I decided to not do either of these. I decided to make his sound manipulation power a devil fruit.

Music Music Fruit. This devil fruit, like all the others, exchanges the user's ability to swim in exchange for great power. As it says, the reader can manipulate sound. Who would have though a musician would have a power related to music? Couldn't be me.

Using this, (Name) can distort and control any sounds made in a range of up to a 3 mile radius. This means change voices, create sounds that aren't even happening, copy voices, mute voices and sounds, create the illusion of multiple voices at once, emit calming songs in the chosen vicinity, and control echoes to distract enemies and make them confused.

Not only that, but he basically knows everything happening in his sound area. He can even pick up on the smallest of sounds like the shift in the air when people give hand commands to others and when a bullet from a sniper enters the 3 mile area. Sort of like a human radar.

He can also change sound frequencies in the 3 mile radius. Changing a frequency to a specific level can cause nose bleeds, head aches, hallucinations, changes in moods, make people happier or more relaxed, or create sound waves so low it can make objects levitate. He can also manipulate the sounds a certain person is hearing. Let's say 2 people are in range. He can make them hear different things than the other which can disrupt commands and efficiency in tag team battles. There is no time limit for this power.

The drawbacks is that outside the 3 mile area, people aren't affected. This means more vulnerable to sniper attacks. (Name)'s hearing is extremely sensitive after using this for extended periods of time(3-4 consecutive hours).




"Oh, I think I need more bread..." (Name) shook his bag that carried his bread that was now empty.

"Can you at least try and look engaged?!" Enel shouted as he and Luffy continued to fight.

(Name) rolled his eyes as he slung his bag around his shoulder. He turned to Lucci. "Can you believe this guy? I already warned him that I would be neautral during the fight."

The cat didn't respond.

"Same. The audacity, right?" The pirate jeered.

Enel just scowled in the direction of the pirate sitting calmly on his throne. "I'm really starting to regret giving you money right now..."

E/c eyes rolled once more as lazily stretched his arms. "Fine."

Luffy was too engaged in throwing punches to notice the conversation.

It was too late to notice (Name) move at the speed of lightning and grasp his hands onto Luffy's torso.

He then started to tickle the very injured captain.

"H-HEY! STOP IIIITTTT!!!" Luffy screeched in between gasps and choked laughter.

Before he was ultimately thrown off the ship.

(Name) leaned over the side of the flying vessel and whistles at how high it was. "DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY LLOYD!"

The musician already knew Luffy would survive from a fall like that. Heck, it happened in the anime.

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