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A/N:cause y'all were SO mad about (Name) making a crew for himself because y'all wanted to stay lonely and emo🙄


Wyper looked at the musician with utter disgust after hearing the offer.

"Ew. What the fuck. No." Wyper said with a scrunched up face as if he smelled something funky.

"Ouch, okay." (Name) said as an arrow pierced his heart at being turned down really hard. He shook off the rejection(because he was used to it after confessing his eternal love to many people but got turned down).

"Well. Guess that's that." (Name) said casually. He brushed his hands together before setting them on his knees to push himself up.

"That's it?" Rika said, dazed at the sudden turn of events.

"Well, if he doesn't want to join, he doesn't have to join." The foreigner shrugged.

"What he said." Wyper piped up.

Rika sighed in exasperation. So they were both idiots, huh?

Wyper then seemed to widen his eyes as if remembering something.

"You." He shouted towards the man who was about to exit the tent.


"Let me spar with you before you leave." The Shandian leader said with a determined look in his eyes. "I can't let my name along with my people's be stained by my loss."

Rika felt her jaw slacken. "Are you crazy?! Did you not see his power?! He could kill you!"

(Name) shrugged before a lazy grin took over his face. "Sure."

Wyper was radiating gratitude and determination as he hastily got up from the bed.

"Wha–hey! Get back to bed!" Rika shouted in frustration as she tried to grab her friend's arm only to be swatted away like a fly(F in the chat for Rika).

"I'll beat him for sure, no matter the tricks he has up his sleeve." He said with a grin.

Rika's eyes widened before she sighed and gave up on stopping the 2 reckless idiots. "Fine. But if you get severely injured, you have to ask Candice for help."

(Name) just looked at her owlishly before trying to hold back his laughter. He coughed into his hand to cover up his laugh. There is no fricking way they actually believed that was his name!

He recovered with a gasp which he covered with one last cough. "My name is actually Sugondeez." He corrected dramatically as he mimicked a hair flip towards Rika.

"My apologies, Sugondeez." She snipped in agitation as she falsely corrected herself.

Sugondeez nuts. (Name) snickered internally but just continued to cough into his hand...which eventually turned into aggressive hacking and wheezing as he doubled over in a coughing fit for oxygen.

"Is he ok?" Wyper whispered to the black haired woman beside him with a weirded out look.

"I'm not sure." She answered back in a hushed voice, both watching the man before them struggle to breathe.

After a hot minute, (Name) finally got his breathing under control. He hastily straightened up after the 2 people before him were looking at him with scrutinizing gazes.

"Ahem, ok, we can go now." He huffed as he lazily strode outside the tent...

Only to trip over a small girl who was eaves dropping on their conversation.

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