15||New Bestie Aquired!

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It's been a while:)

I was working on another book called:
Paper Planes||One Piece x Trans!Male!Reader.

I will be alternating between posting chapters between these 2 books so there will be slower updates for this one. I still have to find time to fully rewatch the Skypeia arc again because of classes and tests.


"EEEEEK!!!" (Name) shrieked in excitement, rushing up to the angelic woman with the harp. The Strawhats and himself had just arrived and docked on the solid cloud islands of Skypeia. "OH MY GOD YOU PLAY ON A MINI HARP TOO?!"

The blonde Skypeian smiled excitedly at hearing this as she stopped her playing of the entrancing music. "I DO!"



Conis and (Name) we're jumping up and down excitedly at their common interest like little kids, totally ignoring the fact they are total strangers from different parts of the world that just met.

(Name) dramatically placed his hand on his forehead."Nobody appreciates the harp anymore. They're always playing guitar, piano, or violin."

Conis nodded sadly. "I know right, they're so uncultured. They don't even know the pain of having to pluck the strings for hours when practicing with bare hands because bandages are too inconvenient when playing."

"For real."

"So for real."


"OW!" (Name) clutched the back of his head in pain.

Nami blew the steam off her hand and then smiled at Conis who was somewhat concerned for her stranger-turned-best friend writhing in pain in the clouds(or sand?).

Conis finally acknowledged the others on the beach and turned to them and smiled. "Welcome to Skypeia's Angel Beach."

She noticed the green melon Luffy was holding that he had dropped on Usopp's head moments earlier and pointed to it. "Would you like me to open that?"

"Oh, sure." The Strawhat captain handed the melon to her.

Meanwhile, (Name) glared at the pirate crew from his sitting position on the ground from afar as he ginergly rubbed his head. That'll leave a bruise...

He perked up when noticed the bearded man on a waver as it ran through clouds.

"Hey, something's coming." Zoro pointed out. The swordsman was also looking who was also looking at the bearded man.

"That's my father." The angelic harp player said as she continued to pet Su the sky fox.

"Heso, Conis!" The man, known as Pagaya, called to his daughter as he maneuvered the waver...

...Before ultimately crashing the waver into a tree.

"Are you guys okay...?" He groaned as he struggled to get up from the impact of the tree.

"We should be asking you that!" Zoro shouted at the newcomer. "You literally crashed into a tree!"

"Woah, What is this thing!" Nami gushed at the small boat with a shell attached to the back, completely ignoring the other 2.

"That's a waver." Conis began. "It takes years to ride one and I've only recently started myself."

"So the concept is like Ace's Striker." (Name) muttered to himself. He's rode a jet ski before, so it couldn't be that much different.

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