Chapter 18 Battle for the Bridge

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Today is the day to take down Zabuza and his apprentice, Haku. Everyone is now ready to fight. During the week team 7 practiced tree walking exercises for chakra control. As team 9 was working on a new element of Jitsu. As for Naruto. Kiseki and Naruto's daughter and father bond grows stronger. And Kise got her fear of new people. She began to call Team 9 her aunt and her Uncles.

Naruto is eating his food with Kise as he thinks about how Shikamarus reacted the other day.


Naruto and Shikamaru both sitting next to each other. Naruto scratched his head trying to tell his brother about that night. Shika was looking at Naruto with absolute seriousness.

"Ok, I am going to be blunt. I transformed last night." Naruto said as quickly as possible like ripping a bandage off.

Shika was confused.

"Okay, I should start at the beginning. So when we're getting ready to start our mission. I met the man"

"What!" Shika yelled losing his cool. Naruto nodded. "He gave me the ride. A motorcycle. He said every Rider needs a ride." Shika nods his head thinking. He was not very happy. Naruto can tell.

"Anyways tonight I turned into the ghost rider. I also killed one of the men from Gato's men"  Naruto said crying. It was his first kill. Shika saw that his brother crying as put his arm around him hugging him.

"After that, that's when I saw Kiseki. She didn't have anywhere to go. So I thought I could take me in." Naruto said looking at his brother. Shikas reaction was not happy.

"I'll help out with you and Kiseki," Shika said in a serious tone.

End of flashback

Naruto was not sure if Shika was still angry or not. Wondering if he is angry at the man or something else that he doesn't know about.
Shrugging it was late. He wants to rest up tonight.

"Hey guy and Kise I am going to sleep now. I am still tired from training today. Kise do you want to sleep with me now or tonight?"

"I want to stay up a little bit more." She said with a smile on her face.

"Okay now. But please listen to them. Okay?" She nods her head as she continues to spend time with Ino.

Naruto went up to his room as he lay down on his bed. Looking up at the ceiling he was thinking about Haku.

Flash back again

Naruto was sleeping on the grass field next to a tree. He was tired from training. As he slept a woman was wearing a kamino or dress as she carried a small basket. She looked up and saw Naruto sleeping. Walking closer to him she put her arms out going to the through as she saw a headband. Resembling the ninja. After a few minutes, she redirects her course to his shoulder shaking him a little.

"Hey wake up. You might catch a cold sleeping here." The girl said. Naruto slowly woke up and saw the girl sitting next to him.

"Hi there! Who are you? What are you doing?" Naruto said as he sat up.

"Hello there." The girl said "My name is Haku. And I am gathering earns to help heal someone precious to me."

"Oh. Can I help?!" Naruto asks. "Sure. What are you doing out here in the woods?" Haku said back.

"Well, I training to be a ninja!" Haku laughed. "Well, do you someone precious to you." She asks. "Precious?" She nods her head. Yes, a person you hold dear to." Naruto nods his head. "Yeah, I have an old man, my teammates, and my teacher Iruka sensei. Couple more. But they are precious to me!" Especially Kiseki.

Haku smiled at him before getting up. "Well keep training because in the end, when someone is precious to you. That is when you are truly become strong."

Naruto blinked at her again trying to process what she said.

"Thanks," Naruto said with a smile. She left before turning to him again.

"By the way. I am a boy."

Naruto looks shocked. "What no way"

End flashback.

Naruto just turns his head as he sleeps with the words playing in his head.

Naruto woke up in the morning as he saw a note on a table.


We are at the bridge now. We thought you should sleep more.

Asuma sensei

Naruto looked at the boy before he heard screaming from downstairs. Jumping out of the bed Naruto went out of his room as fast as he could.

"Leave my mom alone!" Inari said as he tried to push the two men away. Inari's mom was holding Kiseki as she cried in her lap. That angers Naruto even more.

"Hey stop right there!" Naruto shouted at the two men. Both Inari and his mom let a happy gasp.

"Naruto kun/nii" yelled both of them.   But the quietest but loud enough for Naruto to break his heart was Kise.

"Tousan" Kise said in a sad and broken voice.

Alright now you Lisa me off! I will get you now! Shadow clone Jitsu." Naruto made the seal as 3 shadow clones appeared. "Attack men"  "Yes Boss"

They all kick the two men in their faces as they are knocked out.  The real one ran to them and began to ask questions

"At you okay? Kise, hey. hey. don't worry! I am here" Naruto asked reassuring Kise as she began to cry. She leans into his stomach grabbing his jacket.

"Hey Kise, everything okay now. No one is coming back. But I need to find and help my team okay? Tsunami will take care of you when I get back."  Naruto said to Kise slowly she nodded okay at detaching herself from Naruto.

Gets up and he turns his head to Inari.
" hey, Inari. Sorry about being a jerk. But you did great protecting your mom and Kiseki." Naruto said. Inari starts to let his tears down.

"No! I am the one who is sorry! I shouldn't just judge someone without knowing what they are!" 

Naruto smiled.
"You were brake kid. Now can you be brave again and protect your family again? I need to go." Inari nods his head.

"Be careful Daddy" Kise said in a fearful voice.

Naruto gently rubbed both Inari and Kise as he left.

Naruto got to the bridge and saw something unexpected. Both Kakashi and Asuma were fighting Zabuza. Ino and Sakura were protecting the bridge builder when he saw Shika and Sasuke fighting in the ice dome.

He would usually shout out giving his location but thinking back he needs to stay quiet. Making his move he will help fight now.

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