Chapter 10 Meeting your teacher

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Three fining stares down the man who is now sitting next to them smoking away.

"So My name is Asuma Sharatobi and I am your team 10 sensei I guess."

"Hi, sensei." Everyone said in unison.

Naruto saw the ramen place in front of him as he drooled from his mouth. Naruto asked for another bowl since he ate it in 2 seconds. Asuma's mouth drop down looking shocked to see now 5 more empty bowls stacked.

While Ino looks at Naruto in disgust sees him eating like a pig. Shikamaru just thought it was troublesome as he started eating his bowl of chicken ramen. Ignoring Naruto as it was in everyday accordance with Naruto.

"Alright then, I want to know about you. Like the name, likes, dislikes, and your dream for the future" asked Asuma sensei.

"Why don't you give us an example," asked Ino.

Asuma blew his drag as he began: "My name is Asuma Sarotobi. My like is sleeping. Hangout with Kurenin and dislikes is not made the Hokage made. My dream I don't have any. You next blonde girl."

Ino glared as he began her introduction.

"My name is Ino Yamanaka. My likes are gardening, and picking flowers. Dislikes are bugs and lazy people. My dream is to be the best Kunoichi"

Next lazy boy.
"Troublesome, my name is Shikamaru Nara. My likes are watching, shogi and Naruto. Dislike not getting to sleep. And working. My future dream. What a drag. Helping  Naruto with his dream."

And Ramen Boy. Naruto slurp his last bowl.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, my likes are hangout with Shikamaru. Training, my furry friend. My dislike is rapist, kuyubi festival. My dream is to become the greatest Hokage, so everyone will stop disrespecting me and treat me like someone special."  With a passionate speech.

"Troublesome, Naruto you are doing it again." Said Shika.  Naruto looked at him confused before realizing what he meant. Scratching his head he let a chuckle.

Everyone else was shocked to hear it from Naruto. I was beginning to respect  Naruto. As Asuma is contemplating why he dislikes the Kuyubi festival. He knows he has the tenant inside of him.  He will have to watch Naruto.

"Alright, now we need to do the mission before we start as a team. It's a survival exercise."

Everyone was confused. They are already a genin.

See the shocked face Asuma explains to them that they need to pass this test.

"Alright, we will meet by team 10 training ground. After we finish the food." Then without anyone to respond he poof away. Leaving the soon-to-be shocked as they pay for their food and rush to where the training ground is.

Alright everyone as they saw their sensei standing on the tree branch.  "The goal of this  is to try and capture me and get these two bells before the sun sets."
All the genin nod their head. Wanting to pass.
"Also try to get me with everything you got with killer intent.


He was gone.

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