Chapter 19. The ghost demon comes out.

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Quietly Naruto and a shadow clone disperse to next to Naruto.

"You go to Ino and Sakura. Help them protect the bridge builder."

Naruto is on his way to his teammates.

"Sasuke! Shikamaru!" Naruto yells trying to get Sasuke's attention as well as Shikamaru. They sighed in relief, well if you count Sasuke's in.

"Troublesome. Naruto can you find a way to break the glass from the outside? We tried to do it from the inside but we are struggling." Shika tells his little brother.

"Yeah I can do that but I need some time," Naruto said to Shika.

"Okay, Sasuke how is the plan with yours?" Shika turned around to Sasuke. As he gave another fireball.

"Just need a little longer I am almost done," Sasuke said as he started to sweat.

"Naruto, Sasuke got a plan right now we need a little time. When he is ready I will tell you to destroy the dome okay!" Shika yelled at Naruto. Nodding his head Naruto tried to summon all the fire into his fist.

Meanwhile with the Kakashi and Asuma.

Kakashi and Asuma were in a pickle. They both have their weapons out. Kasha with Kunia with a right hand and a Sharingan out. Asuma was using his Taijutsu stance with a chakra blade on each stance. They were inside the hidden mist Jitsu.

"Asuma, how are doing over there?" Kakashi asks as he dodges another blow from a sword.

"I am fine for now." Asuma stops an upcoming blow using his blade. Jumping away from the source. " Kakashi we need to hurry up now. Is your eye going to collapse on me? Because you look tired."


"Haha. Are you guys tired? Because I am not. I can do this all day long."  Zabuza said as he was still hidden in the mist. "Even if you could kill me right now. I bet my apprentice is almost done killing your genins."

"Ha. Are you sure about that? They may be genins But they will win. Especially our number one knucklehead idiot ninja. He will win with his teammates. That is true because I believe in my students." Yelled Asuma. Getting ready for one final moment. Determine to win at any cost.  But a voice was heard throughout the bridge. That got them both worried.

"Shikaaaa!" A voice called out

Back to Naruto.

Naruto didn't know what to do. One minute he was focusing on his hands as he watched Shika and Sasuke battle mask man. Then the next both of his teammates were on the ground filled with needles on their bodies. While the masked man is on the ground from the force slammed into his mirror.

Out of pure rage. He jumps through the air. With a bone fire fist. Using Newton's law, manage to break through one of the ice mirrors. The mirror shattered as a couple more mirrors shattered leaving a hole in the dome. (Like from Ace from One Piece.)

Naruto raced to Shika and Sasuke. Their body was in a death-like state. Still have needles littered all over their body. Naruto rolls both over to their backs.  Naruto kneeled by Shika as he saw Shika's eyes partially open. He had enough energy to look at his brother.

"Naruto be careful with him. I am not sure if I have the strength to help you. Please don't let your dream die because of me. I always love you as my brother." Shika shakily said to Naruto as he let his body go limp. Naruto cried a little as a tear slipped down from his whisker face.

"Have you seen a shinobi die? This is what it is like to be a shinobi. To see the precious person protecting someone. That boy has a newfound strength to protect somebody precious to him." Haku said as he got up from the ground. Staring at Naruto he backed away from him to one of their mirrors. Going through the mirror again.

"Shut up" Naruto grunted out to Haku. He carefully places Shika's head gently on the ground again.

Kurama can you lend me some of your chakra?

Sure kit but only a little. You don't have much control for the first time.

Thank you

Naruto notices something different. He can feel Kurma's chakra through his boss as he gets on his feet and hands. Growling a bit, his teeth began to sharpen as his eyes were red with slits. There was a cyclone of red chakra around Naruto as the chakra formed a Kurama's face. Slowly with knew he was allowing some of his other powers mix to with him as well. His skin began to shred as his bones were bone now. Now he has a skull opened with red fire in his open socket. He was still on fire.

Meanwhile with senseis

Both Asuma and Kakashi got nervous now. They can feel this aura from 13 years ago. The nine-tailed fox chakra. They got very worried. Has the fourth Hokage seal broken? No. No, it's weak. The seal must be leaking the nine-tailed chakra. But what this. They felt another sort of power. They can not recognize it.

"What is this power? Is it Kakashi? No. This is way too much. What about the other one? No. Is it one of those brats?" Zabuza wondered turn to see what os going on.

Back to Naruto

Naruto was growling with all fours. Growling at Haku with furry.

This boy. This foul chakra. This is no ordinary chakra. What? What is this other power? I have never seen this much power. This boy is no ordinary boy at all. He looks like some kind of monster.

"I going to kill you" Naruto growled out looking at Haku with so much hate.

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