Chapter 11 pass or fail

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Naruto knew what they had to do. Teamwork The only problem is knowing or letting his teammate work with him. Knowing Shikamaru would help him. Naruto was standing there glancing at Shikamaru.

Speaking of Shikamaru he was sitting on the ground thinking hard. With his hands making a circle. As he was thinking with his eyes closed. Ino had a worried face as she saw both of them silently adopting a serious face.

"Guys we should do something we need to find Asuma sensie," Ino shouted at them. Shika didn't say anything as Naruto came and gave Ino a stare. Saying be quiet, Shikamaru is thinking of a plan. Ino is a fan of quiet as he folds her arm pout on her face. Looking away.

Suddenly Shikamaru opened his as he became serious. "Alright I have a plan, but I need you to do your part in the play...... and Naruto I know you haven't done it while but I need you to distract Sensei." Naruto perks up as he stares at Shikamaru. He knew what he was referring to.
"Are you serious Shika? It's been a while since I did it." He did not get a response only a smirk from Shika. I did not understand as she looked confused. " All alright but if Sensei got mad at me. I am blaming you." Naruto said with an evil smirk on his face. Rubbing hands together fast.  "Because the king of Pranks is coming back!"

For some reason, Ino and Shikamaru felt the Shinigami past their body feeling a chill.

They all nod their heads and separate themselves as they head toward their sensei.

Asuma was hiding on a tree branch not very far away from his soon-to-be students.  He was wondering why they were standing there before he could do anything he saw Naruto have an evil smirk on his face as felt a chill crawling on his back. He got nervous as he was wondering why he had them for students. He starts to hide deeper into the forest.

Not very long Naruto came back to Shikamaru as he gave him an evil but kind smirk. A few seconds later they heard a noise from the distance and a yell too. 

"We found him. I left clones in every trap. He he he."

Not very long they head to the spot where they were up behind the bushes. They both felt a tap on their shoulder and saw a pissed-off teacher.
He was covered in glue with chicken feathers. They knew they were doomed as the teacher started banging the students. Leaves with Naruto with a black eye and bumps on his head as Shika has one bump on his head. They were scared now. " it's your fault," Naruto said to Shika. " troublesome." Sigh Shika not even trying to defend himself. A couple of seconds later Ino came to their rescue.

"Alright let's try this again same plan but we all attacked this time." Said Shika.

Later they found Asuma in the clearing. Nodding to each other naruto got to the field with a stable battle stance.

"Why are fighting by yourself Naruto you won't defeat me in battle."

"I don't care I will defeat you sensei." Asuma turned curious but did not say anything. " shadow clone Jitsu" yelled Naruto. Soon naruto was surrounded by 100 Naruto's. "Alright, guys let's get him." Soon all the clones charge toward sensei.

Asuma didn't look bothered as he dodged them all. Soon Asuma hit the real Naruto sending him back on his back. Asuma starts to walk towards Naruto giving a little speech. When he is always 10 meters away in his mid-sentence. His body was frozen. In his mind, Ino was in there. Seconds later there was a show beneath Asuma as he heard a bored voice. "Shadow possession Jitsu... Success." He was kneeling with one leg as he could across a rat sign.  With that Ino gains control of her body as Naruto supports her. Shika stood up and walked towards Asuma and Asuma did the same.

"So sensei did we pass." Ask Naruto. Who was eager to know if they were genin or not.
Slowly the shadow came to Shika who was looking bored. Asuma gains his body back as he looks at the student.

" Well, you guys... Passed. The whole test is about teamwork"

"Yes I knew it was teamwork" Naruto yelled and danced around.

Ino just sighed happily with relief. They pass the test.

Shika just sighed and knew it was more work.

Soon after they celebrated they left to go home with a chicken teacher. Who still glaring at Naruto? Who happens to smile happily.

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