Chapter 2-Meeting the fox

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In Naruto's mindscape


Naruto was startled to hear the voice. The first thing he saw was the walls of a prison sewage. Naruto looks around as there are some holes in the wall. It was dark and damp. He felt some water under his foot.
"Great now the people put me in the sewage. Now where should I go." Naruto angrily said to no one. Then Naruto hears the noise again


He jumped up as he turned toward the sound of the noise. It sounds very fierce and low. Naruto could feel the power coming from the new entrance. He starts going through the hallway where there are red bars. It looks like a cage. In the middle of the cage, there was a red eyes, slit pupils. There was a tag that said sealed

Naruto starts walking towards the middle of the room.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Asked Naruto.

"So I finally get to face my jailer.  It's about time too." In a booming voice.

Naruto stares at him in a shocked way. His eyes were as big as a dinner plate. He looks up at it in awe and fear.

"Who are you?" As Naruto shakily asks. As he tried to get closer to the gate that held lots of power.

"Kit I am the most feared in all elemental nations. I am the Nine-tailed Fox. The strongest in the all-tailed beast." As the nine-tailed said he puffed his chest with confidence.

Naruto was shocked "You are the Kyuubi. I thought the fourth Hokage killed you. You are the one that attacked my vill-" he was cut off.

"SIlENCE, I did not destroy your so-called puny little village. I was only controlled by the mast man. Also, I was ripped out from my previous jinchuriki. I only have 1 hr of freedom before I was sealed into you, again." Yelled the Kyuubi

Naruto was shaken up by how the Kyuubi screamed as the ripples from the water on the ground spread even bigger. Naruto went quiet as to process what the Kyuubi said.

"Okay let me get this straight. You're the Kyuubi that got controlled by a masked man after you got ripped out of the previous jinchuriki." The Kyuubi nods his head. "Okay, but I got a question to ask you." He continued as he saw the Kyuubi nod his head again. " first, you said previous jinchuriki, can you tell me who it is? Second I know my father but I don't know my mother. Do you know who is my mother?"

" Okay Kit, for both questions I know who your mother is. My previous jinchuriki is named Kushina Uzumaki, your mother"
Naruto was shocked when he heard his mother was Kushina Uzumaki. The famous kunoichi. He saw that his body was fading. He looked up as he saw Kyuubi latex down and closed his eyes.

"Oh before I go, what's your name? I know the Kyuubi is a title. You got to have a real name"

Kyuubi looked down as his eyes went wide. No one ever asks his name. Nobody ever even talked to him. His eyes glisten as he lay down.

"My name is Kurama Kit"

"Okay Kurama, see ya later then" as Naruto fades away from his mind's scape.

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