Chapter 27

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Darkness. That is what Naruto can see. Slowly walking straight, nowhere else to go. No light. Nothing to aluminum the darkness. No one other than him in darkness.

Naruto just kept walking and walking. There was no road. There was no path either. There is a chance you are walking in every direction and all around you. Everywhere you go can lead to anywhere.

Not very long he saw some kind of light ahead. Not too bright either. There were tall pillars on the sides lit up in familiar flames.

"Wait have I been here before? It looks very familiar." Naruto look around confused and familiar in his eyes.

Then there was the fire again. Inside the bow on top of the platform, there is a carving behind the fire. It was flickering. Very wildly. Not lit up calmly. Turning colors black and back. Something wrong. Naruto looks around only to see the rest of the fire flickering black. He can hear a very unfamiliar voice echoing.

"Ku, Ku, Ku, Ku. Do you like your gift? Do you want more power? I can give you power. Just have to seek me out." The voice calls out.

"Orochimaru?" Naruto asks. Trying to identify the voice. 

"Yes, boy it is me! Ku Ku Ku"

"Ahh," Naruto screams out feeling the effect from the Orochimaru gift.


Naruto was trying to breathe properly as he could feel the effect still going.


Naruto snaps his eyes open. He found himself on nice ground. He can feel a breeze of wind ruffle his hair. Behind him, he saw the familiar bars that were holding someone familiar. Still gasping from the pain Naruto stood up onto his knee. He tries to answer back but he croaks out. "Kurama."

"Kit! Oh. Thank the Sage. Are you okay, kit?" Kurama asks looking down at Naruto with concerned eyes.

"Kurama?  What. What's going on?" Naruto asked in a croaking voice. Still trying to get his bearing back.

"Kit. You were in a coma when the snake bastard marked you. Luckily he didn't do something to the seal. If something happens to the seal then I don't think I could help you. It would block my chakra and probably cause our mind to be blocked." Kurama tells Naruto what happened as he lies down. Closing his eyes as he wants to rest.

"O-Okay. So do you know when I can wake up? And.." Naruto was cut off when he heard a hissing noise. Turning around to look towards the entrance. He saw a couple of snakes coming towards him.

"What the.." Naruto said as he could feel a negative and evil aura.

Kit. Come behind me now! Naruto was startled by Kurama's voice as he could detect the urgency in his voice. Without making Kurama mad or more worried he slowly walked back from the snake and slipped through the cage to the gate. He ran and hid behind one of Kurama's tails.

Kurama started to growl towards the snakes as he banged to point the snakes. Not so good. There were round after round. Each snakes get bigger and the evil aura grows bigger and bigger.


Kurama and Naruto both froze. That laugh. It felt so similar. It can't be...Can it? They turn to the voice. As the figure came forward towards the light. A clapping sound was heard.

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