Chapter 23

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"Alright, maggots. If you guys are ready we will proceed to the next stage of the chunin exam. First, you will get a card that has a number on it, you will go to the assigned spot as we will start the written exam." The man said. He has a bandana on his head and a big scar on his face.

Everyone got on their assigned seats as the proctor began to tell everyone the rules. Naruto other hand was surprised that he was sitting next to the Uchiha emo. Excuse me, Sasuke Uchiha.

Naruto just tried to ignore him as he began to panic as the proctor began telling the rules. He was never great with written exams. He was fine because he studied a lot but he had to do it without any preparation.

"All alright kids, my name is Ibiki Morino and I am your first proctor of the chunin exams. You better be ready because we are going to start the written exam." Ibiki Morino yelled out. Ignoring the complaints from the genins. He continues.

There will be rules. Rule number one: the written part of the exam is conducted on points reduction you will get a total of 10 points in the beginning. And for each time you get the question wrong 1 point will be marked. Rule number two is the total of the 10 points that will be performed as a team. So if anyone on your team gets deducted then all of you will lose the points."  Naruto is now panicking more. If he fails then so is his teammate. Sure Shika would be okay with him trying to pass the test. But Ino. Naruto felt a shiver down his spine. She would kick his ass if he messed up.

Then that's when Howler monkey. I mean Sakura from Team 7 screams out. "What we get scored as a team!" Everyone was yelling now.

"Silence!" The proctor said. Getting frustrated with the situation. "When your team has cheated or been caught 5 times then you are eliminated from the the exam."

Naruto was now sure that Ino will kick his ass.

"Also one more thing if one person reaches 0 or doesn't pass the test then the whole team is eliminated."  He said with a small smirk.

"What!" Naruto yelled out until he felt a vicious glare. I was glaring at Naruto as Shika prayed in his head hoping for a miracle when it came to Naruto.

"Shut up!" The proctor yells out. "Anyways the written exam will start....Now!"

Naruto slowly turns his written paper and looks at the question.
"Alright, first question C= 5/9 (F-32). What is this? I don't know the question. Next question..." Each question is making Naruto scream.

"Kit. What's wrong?"

"Sorry Kurama. It's just I hate written tests. I not book of smarts like ya know."

"Sorry kit. I am not good at it either. Anyways is it weird that the proctor said if we see you cheating 5 times..."

"It's fine Kurama. I'll try to find a way. Why did you say that unless they want us to cheat?"


They want us to cheat right?"

Ding ding ding you get a prize" Kurama said sarcastically.

"Shut up"

Before he can find a way to cheat, He can't move his body. He was moving his hands as he wrote the answers on the paper. Suddenly he knows what's going on. Shikamaru was helping him. He let out a small smile as he silently thanked his brother when it was over.

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