Chapter 14 "Eight points; Larynx, Spine....

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Shikamaru was busy looking at Naruto who looks like he is on edge today. He was sitting at the end of the boat not bothering to look at the bridge.

"Wow, that bridge is a bridge "  Ino shouts out.

Hey, be quiet brat! There is a reason the motor is not running. And we are rowing. Do you want to get caught by Gato and his men"

" Sorry," I replied as she lowered her head down.

Shikamaru sighed he thought what Naruto said a few minutes ago.


Naruto was about to grab a bandage out of his scroll when he saw Shikamaru grab from his back and come towards Naruto.

"You should tell me why you have a big gash on your stomach."

Naruto turned his head as he said nothing back.

Shika sighed as he knew Naruto was a big idiot not letting others know what was wrong with him. It was not the first time he remembered him being stubborn when he was little. It was the first time going to Nara's compound when he was running away from the villagers.

"Naruto you need to tell me what's going on. I know something is bothering you."

Naruto looks at Shikamaru a concerned eyes before he looks around to see anyone close to hear. Shika saw this, now it meant to be important. Naruto sighed as he now explained.

"Okay, I will tell you.... I met him again." Naruto said as he looked down with clenched hands.

"Shikamaru eyes were wide up as he looked at me with very worried eyes. "Did he say anything? Naruto."

Naruto nods his head as he starts breathing faster. He starts to fall toward Shika as he steadies him with his body.

"Okay. I need an answer later. I want you to make sure  you are okay right now." Naruto nods his head and acknowledges Shika's words.

End flashback

Shika was back to reality when the client was telling his story. About gato. What he did to the land. How rich and powerful he is. He wants to build a bridge to have freedom in his village.  Naruto listened and smiled a little.

Finally, they start heading to clients' home on foot.

Naruto was in the back of the group again. Shika was on the right side of the client as he could watch in the corner of his eye to see Naruto.

He saw Naruto getting nervous and fidgeting around his body. He places a hand on his chest above his heart and grabs his shirt very hard. His other hand was placed on his head.

Shikamaru got nervous as he saw Naruto was in pain.

He heard a rustle from a bush as Ino threw her kunai only to reveal a small scared white bunny. Shikamaru turned around to help Naruto but was startled when their sensei shouted.

Everyone except Naruto ducked as a very large sword came flying in slicking Naruto's hair a little as it stuck in a tree.  He grab the bunny as he pet it trying to calm down the bunny. As he did so, Naruto somehow felt his body ignite with fire he felt no pain again.

Looking up he saw the man standing on top of the sword back facing them his head looking down at the ground. His lower face was covered by a bandage. As there were no eyebrows on his face.

"Well look at that I got one of the 12 guardian ninjas. Hahaha,"  the mysterious man Laughing. "I could easily crush you right now." Shouted again. As

"Well look at that. it's Zabuza momochi.  One of seven swordsmen of the mist. Everyone protects the bridge builder! I will handle this enemy." Said Asuma sensei taking his battle stance. Soon there was fog covering the field and they couldn't see the enemy anymore. Everyone got in a stance as they surrounded the bridge builder.

Naruto made a couple more shadow clones to surround the bridge builder in a full circle. They were nervous as the Zabuza started to talk to them.

"Eight points; Larynx, Spine, Lungs, Liver, Jugular, Subclavian artery, Kidneys, Heart. Which one should I go for."

Everyone is now scared.  But still put on their brave face.

"Don't worry everyone. I will not let my team die." Shouted Asuma. As he took out his chakra blades.

"So you will face me and let you students protect the bridge builder. Haha, don't make me laugh." Zabuza said as he started to attack.

Asuma intervenes in the attack with his blade the sword. He starts to fight away from his students.

Naruto, Shikamaru, and Ino were all doing their best to protect the bridge builder. They heard a lot of fighting as they hoped their sensei was okay.

Out of nowhere, they all heard a shout in the distance.

"Water prison Jitsu."

Somehow the fog lifted allowing them and the bridge builder to look in shock as they saw Zabuza walking on water with one hand inside the water ball. They looked in horror as they saw their sensei inside the water paralyzed.

Zabuza laughed as he made a water clone. Coming closer to them.

"Everyone! You guys should take the bridge builder and run! The clone won't hurt you since it only can be stable if they are close to the original. Now run. Take the bridge builder and go!" Yelled Asuma inside the bubble.

Everyone was in shock as they wondered What are they going to do.

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