Chapter 22

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It was not very long before the Nara family got over their new member of the family. Today is the day of the Chunin exams. Naruto and his teammate are taking the day off as they have a week of training for the big day. Surprisingly Shikamaru was more motivated to train, instead of being troublesome.

Kise is now with her new grandparents as she is finally happy to be with them. Naruto was happy and proud of himself. But he remembers the conversation with the old man Hokage and the adviser.


Naruto was looking at the two advisors with a bored expression on his face as he saw in the corner of his eyes, the same look on the Hokage's face.

"Why is the D-brat doing here?" One of the advisors screams at Naruto.

Naruto just tries to ignore them as he tightens his arms around Kise. Trying not to show any emotions, Kise looks very shaken as she does not know why the two adults screaming at her dad.

They kept ranting at Naruto until the old man Hokage had enough.

"Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado. I have enough of you ranting about Naruto here." The old man said pointing at Naruto. "Please leave this office!"

But Hokage-sama." Homura tried to talk.

"No now leave!"

With that, they both leave without giving Naruto a stink eye. Who gave them a stink eye in return? 

They let out a sigh of relief as they heard the door slam shut. There was an awkward silence in the room.

"Tousan" Kise suddenly asks. "Why did those adults scream at you? Did I do something wrong?"

Naruto felt his heart crushed as he looked down. Bending down to her level, he hugged her. "No princess. You did not do anything wrong. It's just those people don't know me. A gentle, kind-hearted dad you have."


"Oh, sorry Jiji," Naruto said as he realized there was another person he scratched the back of his head giving a sheepish expression.

"It's okay Naruto. As why I am calling you here. I want to know why you brought this young girl from your mission." The old man said in a kind tone.

"Well you see Gramps.." that's when Naruto tells his story of finding her new daughter without the detail of turning into his other half.

"And you want to adopt her as your daughter?


"Alright. You can keep your daughter. Just fill out your paperwork." The old man said as he grabbed a piece of paper.

"Alright gramps"

"Also, can we have a private conversation naruto? Without your daughter being here.
End of flashback

Naruto shook his head. Naruto smiled as saw how happy Kise felt as she began to cry when he told her how he was officially being her new dad.

Naruto is walking around as he sees something in the corner of his eyes. He turned around as he saw something that annoyed him. He just stares at it with a blank stare as a couple of times his right eyebrow twitches.

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