Chapter 8 - You are.... Pfft No

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Naruto came across a building in the woods where he set the big scroll on the ground. Naruto looked at the scroll that said in print big words:


Naruto looked at the first Jitsu as he pondered what Mitsuki said about the scroll.


" Do you want to become a chunin?"

Naruto looks up at him as he knows that he does not like him. He acts like he does not know what he is talking about. Tilting his head.

" What do you mean, Mitsuki? Is there a way to become a chunin? I want to become a chunin!"

"Well, you need to grab the forbidden scroll from the Hokage tower and master a Jitsu from the scroll."

"Okay, Mizuki." Said Naruto as he turned and ran to his apartment.

Mizuki chuckled as he turned around with an evil glint in his eye and a smirk on his face. Little did he know Naruto was running to the Nara's compound.

End of flashback

Naruto was looking at the scroll as he found something catching his eye. There was a stepfather seal on the scroll as there was a Uzumaki crest beside it. Bitting his thumb he smear his blood on the seal making the seal glow.


As the smoke died down, there was a scroll and a black sword with 4 and half feet tall blade.
He unscroll the scroll and starts reading it.

Dear Naruto, my pure joy.

My name is Kushina Uzumaki.  You are probably wondering who I am. Well, I am your mother. If you find this that means something happens or you are old enough to learn what I going to give you.  Ooh, I don't have time now.  I am leaving you my sword that was passed down by our family. This letter is here for if something happens to me or your father. I will always love you my biggest gift.

Love Kushina, your mother.

Naruto read it a few times before fully exploding with tears rolling down his face.  Silently thanks his mother as he slowly wipes the tears.

"NARUTO what are you doing with the forbidden scroll? Do you have any idea what happens to you?"  Yelled Iruka sensie.

Naruto jumped as he turned around when he was full-blown by the yell from  Iruka.

"Iruka sensei what are you doing here?" In a confused voice. He wonders why Iruka came here to find him.

" No Naruto, what are you doing here? Why did you steal the forbidden scroll."

" What but Mizuki said so. He told me about this place and how I can become a chunin when I master jitsu....."

Naruto saw confusion and realization in his favorite teacher. Before he can ask what's wrong he hears Iruka shouting at him.

"Get down Naruto!" Pushing Naruto out of the way.

Naruto topples onto the ground as he turns to his teacher seeing Kunias stab in his body.

"Naruto, give me the scroll" yells a familiar voice.

No Naruto, he is lying to you. Don't hand the scroll to him, he trying to get the scroll for himself.

"Oh, I am not lying to you. You have the lying to him his whole life" Mizuki stated as he began to chuckle out. " Naruto, have you wondered why is everyone looking at you? Whispering things, glaring at you with HATE. Even Iruka hates your gut"

" No Mizuki stop it" shouted Iruka.

Naruto knows what he is talking about but for his plan to work, he acts very confused and plays along what Mizuki.

Naruto shakes his head.

" Well, Naruto. There was a decree since you were born. Nobody else talks about it since you are killed."

"What decree? Why does everyone know?"

"Stop Misuki"

"Haha, the decree is that you are the NINE-TAILED FOX. Now die..." Mizuki threw a large Shuriken at Naruto and somehow he was frozen.

Naruto expertly dodges the shuriken. Iruka was surprised to see Naruto not giving a fit or something. No, He stands there with a broad face. Lazily walking toward Musuki.

Then they heard a familiar lazy voice coming through the tree.

"Shadow possession Jitsu....complete. Tch Troublesome." Said the voice.

Naruto turns toward Mizuki.

Pfft. No, I am not the nine-tailed fox. Mizuki. Troublesome. Hey, Shika nice timing." Naruto said as he pondered why he was a Nara all of a sudden and knocked Misuki out.

"Tch troublesome blond. Why do you always get yourself in trouble? Also, you sound like a Nara."

"I wonder the same thing Shika," Naruto said as they talked to each other.

Iruka stood there still confused about what he was seeing.

"Can someone tell me what is going on? How do you know about the... You know" said Iruka wondering if his other pupils knew about Naruto's problem. Naruto and Shikamaru look at each other before looking at their teacher with a lazy stand.

"It's troublesome, I know Naruto for a long time now. And know about his tenant." Said Shikamaru. As Naruto nods his head.

" I know about the nine-tailed fox since I was little," said Naruto. Naruto grabs the scroll as he starts heading back with Shikamaru. "Anyways we should head back. I am too tired now. Hey, Shika can I come over and spend the night."

" Yeah Naru"

The kids head back to Shika's home leaving Iruka still frozen with everything around him.

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