Chapter 25

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"Don't Die!" Anko yells out.

That's when all the teams heard the noise signaling the start. Everyone begins to run around scattering themselves as they run towards the tower.

Naruto and his group are jumping from tree branch to tree branch. After a couple of minutes, they stop to rest. Naruto was leaning against the tree still trying to massage the burning fire in his heart. Surprisingly Shika was not lazying around but in focus of this situation.

"Shika? What should we do?" Naruto asked quietly looking at both Ino and Shikamaru. Ino was surprised but tried to conceal it. She thought Naruto was going to start rambling and wanting to fight without having a plan.

Shikamaru didn't say anything for a few minutes but he sat down and placed his hand making an O sign. Ino looks at Shikamaru hearing the answer only to get mad that Shikamaru did not say anything. She was about to go and punch him when Naruto knew what Shikamaru was doing. So he pulls his one hand up and tells Ino to stop. Ino was about to ask when he finally Shikamaru opened his eyes.

"Alright, I got a plan. First, we will scout the area using a Naruto shadow clone. They can help us locate the enemy or traps that our enemy planted. As we do so we will just head straight to the tower. That way we have enough time at the end to go straight to the tower. There is a chance the enemy be powerful. I want Naruto to lead us so if there is an attack Naruto can deal with it faster. I stay in the middle just in case we need a new plan. Ino can be in the back so you can protect me while I figure out a new plan. Man, this is going to be troublesome. I just know it." Shika finally told his idea to everyone to look each other in the eye. Hoping this plan will work. Who knows.

Naruto moves towards Shikamaru before giving him a confident smirk. Somehow Shikamaru felt more confident from seeing Naruto's confidence. Slowly he smirks.

"Alright let's do this together. We will pass this exam." Naruto yelled out before adding. "Believe it!"

Ah, there it is.

"I am ready." Shaking said. giving a small smile. Ino was looking hesitant but nodded.

Alright! Shadow clone Jitsu!" Naruto made 30 clones as they spread out.

Time skip.

Naruto was jumping, leading them. It was about to be nighttime. Naruto suddenly stopped when he heard a noise. This causes the Ino and Shika to stop abruptly.

"Baka, what is that for? We could almost fall right Shika.." Ino yells at Naruto. Turning to Shika to see if he agrees with her. But stop when Shikamaru looks around too. "Shikamaru what's going on."

"Someone is following us Ino," Naruto whispered. Placing a finger on his lips. Signaling her to be quiet. Nobody made a sound. They could hear nothing. That made them all worry.

Soon they heard a sharp noise coming from the distance. Minoans and shurikens came flying towards them. Naruto without thinking blocks the Minoan and Shurikens. It didn't end well. He could feel his kunia and shuriken cutting him. He didn't care if he got scratches and wounds. He will protect his teammates and brother.

"What's going on!" Ino yells out. Yeah. She was confused.

Naruto let a low growl as he was still facing the sudden attack.

"Hmm not bad for rookie genins." Someone said as the enemy came out of the shadows. There was one person who came out. One of them was slumped and had a bandage covering his mouth leaving his left eye open from the bandages. And had a straw-like raincoat on his back.

"But can you take all of us?" He asked as two figures came standing beside him. The first on the right side has black hair and dark eyes. The other one looks like it has long black hair. All have forehead protectors that have the mark of sound.

"So you guys are from the sound village huh?" Shikamaru asks slowly standing next to Naruto not looking away from them.

"That's right. You just happen to be in our way." The leader said as a sap was heard

The figure from the left starts rushing towards the team. Using her left right hand she has needles between her fingers. She aimed at Ino as she threw two sets of needles.

Ino had only seconds before she let her body jump. One of the needles got a tear from her but luckily it didn't leave a mark. Ino land next to the next branch

"Ino!" Shikamaru yells out. Turning to help.

No shikamaru! Don't come closer I will handle this. You need to help Naruto." Ino said as she got her kunai now facing her opponent. Shikamaru did not enjoy it very much. But grunted as he still stood by with Naruto.

The figure to the right raises both hands making a claw shape. There was a force that made both Shikamaru and Naruto try to stand their ground hoping not to send them back. Unluckily Shikamaru was not able to and was flown back.

"Shika!" Naruto called out turning his head and trying to locate Shikamaru.

"Naruto I am okay just fight the leader okay," Shikamaru said after a few seconds of silence. He tried to get around his bearing.

Naruto let a low growl before he faced the leader. "Alright, you. You are pissing me off. What are you doing with my friends? Who are you?"

"Tsk. It's not like you are going to be alive when I finish you. But I will introduce myself. The name is Dosu Kinuta." The leader nape named Dosu said. "Now you die." 

Dosu grabs something behind his back reveals the kunai and throws it towards Naruto. Naruto was able to do it before he started his Taijutsu.  Soon he backed away before letting his clones, which they were hidden begin to attack.

During the burst of wind. He made 4 clones to hide before he was about to be blown away. This fight took a couple of minutes as Naruto stumbled a little and he felt tired. He can feel his heart burning. This is not good. This must have something to do with evil.

"Just why are you doing this? Are you trying to kill us?" Naruto asks trying to get answers. He can feel his heart and brain burning. 

"It's nothing. We are here because our master wants to kill the uchia brat. But you are on our way." Dosu said

"What! Okay! Listen, whoever this master you have, I will take him down if I have to. If you or your master do anything towards my friends then I will kill you." Naruto growls out. Nobody will should mess with Naruto. Especially it involves his friends.

"Haha. What are you going to do about it? You're just weak genin trying to be a chunin. Face it. You're scared. You just want to be something like the kid you are." Dosu sneered laughing at Naruto's dismay.

Naruto said in a low growl as you can see a shadow cover his eyes and face.

"Don't underestimate me. You Teme. I am staying in the chunin exam if I have to. I don't give up. Believe it." Naruto shouted, "Just what is it with your master!"

"Hmm. Oh well, it's not like you are going to survive. My master is..."

Hey guys. Sorry about the wait.😅 I was not sure about this story. I was waiting on you readers if you like them. It seems you do. I will try to make more but, it may take a while. Sorry about this.


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