Chapter 12 meeting the client.

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"Team one" 

"Failed," one of the teachers said not even bothered.

Team 2



Team 7.

"Passed," said the scarecrow in a bored voice reading an orange book.

Everyone started to whisper knowing that the teacher would not allow them to pass the team.
But knowing it would be Uchih la who passed the team.

"Team 8"

"Pass.  Hinata Hyuuga, Shino Abrumane, and Kiba Inazuka passed. They work perfectly on the test." A rookie Jonin, named Kunien.

"Team  9 continuing"

Team 10

"Passed Dad." Said Asuma. Everyone was wondering and whispering. Wondering why they pass since the brat was on the team.

" explain." Said old man Hokage.
"Well, Shikamaru made a plan that would let them all need to complete. Ino instead of not helping followed through using the family technique on me. And as for Naruto. He did perfectly well. Except for the traps he made. They worked perfectly." Asuma grumbled the part. Angry at himself. Hokage snorted with eyes of mirth.

"Okay. Thank Asuma. Now that's done. You all dismissed.

The next day both Shika and Naruto were heading for the meeting spot they were assigned to.

They met in training ground 10 and found Ino waiting. She was sitting down. Shika lay down taking a quick nap waiting for their teacher to show up. Naruto was working out. He started running a couple of laps.

Soon Asuma sensei came in a poof of smoke. "Yo" as he is smoking cigarettes.

Everyone looks at him waiting for the tor- I mean training begins. Scared a little

"Here is the plan we will start training this morning til lunch. Then we will do missions til the end of the day. And for training, I will not go easy on you. I want to make the team the best. For now, we will start warmups. Now run 10 laps around the training ground!" Yelled Asuma sensei.

Time skip

It's been a couple of months. They had tough training. Right now the team is doing a D-rank mission.

"What a drag. The night owl in position." Whisper the voice behind a tree.

"Sunflower in position too." A voice said behind a wall.

"Sly fox in position. I am about 3 meters away."

"Alright team count to 3 grab it. 1....2....3 go!"

As soon as they heard go the target screech jumped up high starting to scratch the predator. First Ino then Shika. Naruto held back at the laugh naruto didn't do anything until the cat jumped on to him. It was about to scratch his face until Naruto started to rub its back. Scratching its ears earning a pure from the cat. His teammates looked shocked as the cat was acting lovable house pet, not a devil. It was content lying on Naruto's arm. Naruto had an amused smile on his face.

"Trouble some blond, boss we have the target."

"Good job everyone the capture Tora mission is complete let's go back to the Hokage office."

Later in the office.

Everyone was looking at Naruto and Tora in shock. It was enjoyable being petted as everyone accepted the Hokage glaring at the cat. The Hokage gave an amused smile to see the shocked faces.

Soon a screeching noise came to the office.
"Tora. Where have you been here's your mommy." A very chubby lady came through to grab the cat from Naruto's hand. as the fire lord's wife was smothering the poor cat. Everyone was glad to see the cat suffer.

The cat was screeching and clawing out of the woman's grasp. Then soon it was free and jumped back to Naruto. Tora curls up in Naruto's arms feeling calm.

"Tora come here why don't you come back to me," the woman said. Grabbing forward to the cat. It hissed and scratched the woman's hand. Naruto just shrugs and pet Tora as he turns to the Hokage. He tried to ignore the lady screaming at him trying to take her cat back.

Everyone wondered how it would play with Naruto and the fire lord's wife.

Naruto finally had it.

"Okay miss it seems to be clear that Tora does not want to be with you."

"Of course she does!" Yelled the women.

"Well maybe if you treat the poor cat the right way then maybe it would like to be with you. Have you wondered why she wants to run away? It's because she wants to be free not be locked up in the house." Yelled Naruto.

The wife was speechless.

"Maybe you should read a book for dummies on how to take care of pets. Or you should adopt a dog instead of a cat since you like to smother the cat so much."

The woman did what to say. But soon glares at Naruto and leaves the room. Naruto tried to calm down as the room was filled with laughter.

" okay with that settled," a very amused Hokage said. "Let's see your team can do painting the fence, gardening, weed the Field."

"No thanks old man," said Naruto. He got a bonk on his head by his fist.
" Naruto don't disrespect the Hokage," said Ino

Grumbling Naruto continues. " at least give us a C-rank mission. We at least earn that right now."

Iruka started yelling at Naruto about how dangerous could be. Only interrupted by the Hokage.

"No, it's fine Iruka. Do you think your team is up for c rank mission Asuma." The team looks at their sensei waiting for him.

He looks at the team before taking a drag from the cigarette. Smoke came and finally sighed.

" yeah Dad, my team is up for at least a c rank"

"Alright being the client in" ask the Hokage. 

Since Naruto got his senses stronger, he could smell the alcohol very closely. It floods his brain with bad memories from his childhood. He covers his nose and inches away from the smell. It did not go unnoticed by everyone. He felt a touch from the back. He saw Shika in understanding eyes asking if he was okay.
Nodding, naruto just tries to ignore everyone and focus on Shika.

The door opened as a dunk man came inside. He was holding a bottle looking woozy from the bottle.

"What! I ask for ninjas to protect me, not the small kids. Especially the blond boy who looks about to cry." Nobody said anything except Shikamaru who was about to attack the client.

"The name is Tazuna the famous ridge builder and I hope you can protect me with your life."

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