Chapter 13 2 demon brothers.

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Everyone in the office was shocked to see the old man introduce himself.

"What  I ask for is ninjas, not kids. What's with the pineapple kid it looks weak just standing there. Also, who's the blond hair girl? Never mind I know she is weak. At least that boy has something helpful.  Not that chain on his should do anything."

Naruto got very angry at the old man and said he was about to clobber the man but only tried to stay back from seeing his sensei giving a scolding stare at him. Giving up he stays quiet trying to conceal the alcohol still floating in the air.

"Alright, then team 10 you will protect the bridge builder to the land of the waves. This will be at least 2 to 4 weeks mission." Said the old Hokage.

"Hai," Everyone in the room said in unison. They jumped out the window as they heard the Hokage shouting at them. Saying about using the door instead of the window.

Naruto went to his apartment to grab his stuff. He did not have many things in his apartment. he grabbed his clothes and pajamas. He grabbed some food from the fridge that was not instant ramen. Let's just say Naruto had a pleasant time with Shikamaru's mother about eating right. Cue. Naruto shivers as he imagines Shika's mom laughing historically with a frying pan banging on his head. Gulp. He vowed to make Shika's mother happy.

Anyway as he started to pack he heard a noise.

Vroom vroom

It sounds like a roaring Lion. Naruto stops putting stuff in his scroll. He walks outside walking where the noise is coming from. As steps closer he saw a black motorcycle that was a perfect size for him. It was very shunning.

Out of nowhere, there was a clad of thunder as it started to rain. Everyone in the village went inside in homes away from the rain. They were all confused by all of the sudden rain.

There was a loud tap from a cane.

Naruto slowly turned to where the noise was and saw what he was not expecting. There was a man who had a skull cane with a black uniform. Naruto slowly with one hand points to the man.

" You"
There was another thunder as the light revealed the man, Mephisto. 
Ah, Naruto. You look good. Even you are growing up so fast.

"What are you doing here," naruto said in a confused voice.

No Naruto I have been for you for a long time. I was there for you and still am.

Naruto did not know what to say about that.

"What do you want for me anyway?"

I don't need anything yet. But soon you will become my rider. It was still and always inside of you. Because I have your soul. You are probably wondering what this thing is. Right? It's your ride. It will make your travel faster. It is called a motorcycle.

Naruto looked at it as he gave an awed face. With a sparkle in his eyes.

You know how to summon at the time when you are in need. I will need to go. This will not be the end but only the beginning. Fair well Naruto. With that, he vanished leaving Naruto confused. Everything stop as the sun came out of the cloud shinning warm rays. He look back at the motorcycle was only missing. With last look he finishing pack his belongs. In his mind he need to tell his friend and brother.

Time skip

The bridge builder was wondering around by the gate of the village. Ino and Shikamaru was their waiting for their teammate and sensei. They both wondering what was the dark sky minute ago. Before they could think more, there was a poof of smoke that reveal Asuma sensei.

"Hey guys" greeted everyone. Only to realized Naruto was still not there. "Where's Naruto.

"I don't know sensei we were still wondering the same thing." Answered by Ino.

"Hey guys" a familiar voice yell.

They turn around and saw naruto waving at them. With a smile on his face. Shika saw him and gave a frown toward naruto. He was about to say something but only stop when near it gave a stare saying I need to tell you something but not here.

With a nod they start their journey out side the village.

Naruto was at the back with Asuma sensei as two other were beside their client.

Naruto was acting weird. He was very quiet as they walk.

Couple hour later

They were walking as they play a short ninja game. I spy my little eye.

It was Ino turn right now. " I spy my little eyes something white."
Everyone was guessing what she is seeing. The client tazuna was worried about the kids being not serious.

Asuma was looking at the client. Gazing at him wondering why he was nervous when they start the trip.

As they play naruto was his turn. "I spy something blue" Naruto said ignoring the puddle on the road.

They knew what he was trying to do as they try to answer the question.

As they walk past it. When suddenly two man with chains and metal gauntlets. They tear their sensei. Ino saw their sensei into pieces and let out a scream.

The men appear in front of them. As they try to protect their client.

One down brother 3 more to go. Said one of them.

"Who are you?" Ask shikamaru.

"Ha we are the demon brothers sent to kill the client over their."

Naruto scowl as he start to attack them. He made 5 shadow. They were trying to dissect the demon brother. But naruro knew Shika will help out too. Naruto knock out one of the demon brother when he saw the other. One froze.
Shadow procession Jitsu.... Success." Said Shika in mone tone

They demon brother all froze as Ino tied them to the tree. Naruto felt little dizzy as he place his hand on his head. He felt very off.
He saw gashes from his side a very large. But it was healing fast. He knew kurama was helping him.


Yes kit I am here.

Do you know what happen I feel little dizzy.

You were poisoned by the demon brothers but I am working on it. Also I can heal your body. I going to tell you thier is one poison that I can't heal. It a ancient and rare. I want to warn you if you come upon a poison that I can't heal.

Okay kurama thanks for the info. when is poison going to heal.

It is going to take time kit. But not too long.

Naruto woke up as he hear sensei yelling at the client. Hearing both saying about the village ruled by gato.

"I want to still go and do this mission" said Naruto to his sensei.
Everyone agree looking at thier teacher.

Asuma lit his cigarette and sigh. "Alright we will still go."

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