But what was eating my brain was facing mom and dad. Father knows everything but I've asked for the promise that he won't tell anyone especially mom and dad. Though he told Ana, I don't mind because had he not told her, we won't be here celebrating our anniversary. "Lori... What is it?" She literally reads my mind.

"Ana I... I haven't told anything to mom and dad and I have no relation with them after..." I needn't complete the sentence. I placed my head on her shoulder, looking down and tightening my grip on her waist. She turned a bit and looked at me. "Look here." She demanded and I did. "Lori everything needs one push. One start. Maybe this is a push, maybe kids are the push and maybe meeting with them again with me beside you is the start? You have to face them sooner or later and now as you say that you have no relation with them means that they don't know anything. So this is the time you tell them about the reason you did that. I'm sure they'll forgive you."

"Ana it's not as easy as you say..." I trailed it off. Never in my life can I tell them about it. I am sure I won't be able to tell them about it. "Look, Lori. They're mad at you. You are the one at fault here. So now it's you only who can clear their misunderstanding okay. No matter how badly a part of you may think that this won't be able to happen but this has to. Okay-" she was saying this as she completely turned towards me and cupped my face -"If not for yourself or me or for them but atleast for kids? They deserve to know about their grandchildren. They deserve to know that their son is a better person now. They deserve to know that the son they raised for so many years, though he messed up with them , knows how to clear things. They deserve to know Lori. Think about it. And then tell me what your heart says. Just know that it is for your love and your boys and for the caring treatment your parents gave you when you were in your diaper." She ended and I took the decision immediately. I know this is going to be very difficult but I will do it. For her, for kids, for mom and dad and the most for myself. She's right. They deserve to know.

"I'm ready Ana. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. I'm blind without you Ana. I swear I'll go insane if I lose you again. I love you so much." I kissed her tightly and it lasted longer than expected. "Let me eat now then we'll quickly go home, it's already half past one now, I'm sure tomorrow is going to be long because first we have to talk to kids about school then go to the school we found out for their enrollment."

"As my queen says." I chuckled and bit her neck as she blushed and kept eating. "Loriii let me eat now." She complained. "I never stopped you from eating sweetheart." I smiled as she punched my arm playfully.

Soon she finished eating the waffle moaning every while and finally we left safe haven and as we reached home everything was dark. We tiptoed towards our room and dozed off the moment we touched the bed.


I woke up to an empty bed which ruined my mood on a different level. I walked in the bathroom, empty. I took a quick shower and walked down. I glanced at my phone when I saw it beep and what it showed shocked me beyond any limit. I can't let this happen. Ever. I have to really meet father for this and have to ask for a promise from mom and dad. Days are getting tough now... My Ana... The only girl I've ever loved... Shit man...

"Boys?" I called walking down as I was caught by three pairs of hands around my torso. "Morning daddy." They wished as I smiled and bent down at them. They have grown really tall. "Where's mumma?" I asked as they looked at each other. "I asked you something." I said firmly, giving them a sharp look.

"She's down..." "She's been in a bad mood daddy." "She didn't even wish us good morning." It is just her periods speaking, not her. "Let's try to get mumma in a good mood now." I grabbed them and we walked down as I saw Ana grumpily sitting at the couch and flipping channels on the television.

"Nana, will you please help the kids bathe?" I asked as she nodded and smiled at me. She's such a good man! Just like my other mother. "Ana.." I whispered as I slowly sat down and ran my hand on her thigh. "Lori, go away." It's the phase where her feelings get converted to anger.

"Ana look at me." She glared at me and I immediately brought her in a deep kiss. She enjoyed it enough because she didn't leave me or pushed me away. "Good morning love." I smiled as she gave me a small smile and laid her legs on me. This is the phase where she just wants you to stick beside her.

I massaged her legs as she ran her fingers through my hair and on my arms too. "Baby, today we have to go for their enrollment. And talk to them too for it. Many schools are starting from next week only. If it turns out that way then we'll miss this one." I started with 'whatever' conversation as she nodded.

"Okay then let's do one thing, you talk with kids and you go for enrollment." She shrugged. Is she drunk!? "Baby, why don't you help me? You talk to kids and just sit with me for enrollment." She thought for a while and nodded at me with a mischievous smile. She's going to ask for something now.

"What will I get in return?" She asked. "What do you want? You know that I can lay the world on your foot with one word." I answered truthfully. She got emotional and sat beside me as she hugged me whispering an I love you and then snuggled inside my chest. Lord sometimes her phases are also so cute.

"I want you to give me something I wouldn't have had in past years." She purred. Love? That is what I've not given. "Okay done. Now let's get ready quickly and leave for school." I said already picking her up.

We both got ready and decided to wear the same clothes. Kids were already playing down with Nana. They ran towards us as we reached down. "Boys, let's sit there first. We want to ask you something." I started as Ana nodded at me. We all sat on the couch and Ana started.

"First of all, I'm sorry for this morning's behaviour. I was-" "Your mom has got an insect that bites her every month so that she stays strong forever. Didn't Aiden say that she is strong because she carried all three of you inside her. So if anything like this morning happens again then just know that the insect has bit her. And that insect never leaves any girl ever. So you should help your mumma relax okay?" I interrupted her because kids are too small to understand the whole painful process.

I saw her smile from the corner of my eyes as their faces got sad too. They went towards Ana and hugged her. "Mumma don't worry. You don't need to apologise. We will be good and not annoy you." "We won't even fight for the toys." "We will keep you company and you will be happy." Their cute little answers really made my heart glow.

"Daddy, what is this insect called?" Aiden asked. As expected. He's the most curious person of all. "It's called a period." I answered as they got quiet. Ana signalled me to stop this so she can get to the point. Because these little brains go so deep in any talk we have, sometimes we just leave the conversation and start with the next.

"You know your daddy is head of a company that is popular in the whole world." She started as they opened their mouths with wow and some shocking expression too. "Do you want to be the same? Do you want to know how he became the head?" She asked as they answered yes.

She knows the perfect trick for the perfect situation. "It happened because daddy went to school. Do you all want to go to school too?" She asked but they had a huge question mark on their face. "What's a school mumma?" "Did you go there?" They asked

"Yes boys, everyone goes there. It's a place where we study, enjoy, make friends, and make memories. Do you want to go there?" She asked as they nodded. Mission successful.

"We are going for your enrollment right now so be good, okay. If you want to ask anything more then you can ask Nana about it too. Now we're getting late so we'll leave okay?" I smiled as they nodded their little heads at us.

"Bye boys." We stood up and pecked their cheeks.

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