Chapter 4 Part 5: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Can Truly Kill

Start from the beginning

"Is that why you hate Tengan?" I asked. She gave me a blank stare. "Are you... glad she died?" She stared at me for a long moment.

"No one... is perfect..." Imamura said. "I've had to learnt that over the years. And I know I'm not perfect. I'm very very far from being perfect. I'm not a good person. No matter how hard I may try to care about others, and look at people with pure sympathy, but I can't help but be angry with them for their beliefs and morals. I can't help but wish they were dead. I can't help but be glad they're not living anymore..." she paused. "I wish I wasn't glad. But I couldn't help but feel like she deserved it." Imamura paused again. "Fuck, I don't want to think about this, can we talk about something else? I'd rather not have my mind be plagued with that bullshit."

Imamura and I chatted for a little while longer, before I left to talk to someone else.

I wandered around, before finding someone to talk to. I waved to them, and approached.

"Hey Hirano! How's your morning been?" Kawata asked.

Should I hang out with Kawata Satoru? -Yes- -No-

"Oh, okay. Um, I'd love to try and look for a way out of this place." Kawata replied.

Kawata and I went around the wall outside, trying to find a way to get out of there. I ended up getting shocked by the electricity. Kawata was really worried about me for awhile. We gave up a little while later, and went to the grass and sat down.

I think Kawata and I grew closer today.

Would you like to give Kawata a present? -Yes- -No-

I gave Kawata a giant cat pillow.

"Oh thanks so much Hirano! You're such a great friend." Kawata paused for a moment. "Hey Hirano, do you think I would look good in a hat?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, I think so. Why are you asking?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking that we haven't really worn anything different this entire time. All our clothes are repeating and all of our hairstyles have stayed the same. I just feel like we should try and branch out a bit. And I thought that maybe a hat would be good to help make things look different." Kawata said. I smiled.

"Well, I think you'd look nice in anything." I replied. Kawata smiled at me.

"Really? You think so?" Kawata replied. I nodded. He laughed a bit.

"So if I showed up in a giant banana costume, I'd still look good?" He responded. I giggled, nodding. "Oh come on! You can't say that it wouldn't be weird!" I chuckled.

"Well, it would be weird, but it wouldn't change whether or not you're attractive." I said. Kawata smiled, happily nodding. "You know, I dressed up as a banana for Halloween when I was younger."

"Wow, really? How old were you!?" Kawata laughed.

"I was really young at the time. Probably four or five." I giggled. I paused, looking at Kawata's face. He was staring at the ground, an upset look in his eyes. "What's wrong Kawata?"

"Oh, it's just..." he paused, an upset smile on his face. "I don't... think I've ever celebrated Halloween before..." I stared at him for a moment.

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