Nika's Review #4

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This review was done by Nikachu22 for Bluelovesleep's Lost Eden (Book One).

Lost Eden (Book One)

Any main focus: World-building, characters and anything the reviewer finds important.

I will take into account that english isn't your strong suit and have found that so far you're doing well. What I will be touching on is rewording some of the paragraph's/making them more clearer to understand as I found them to be a bit confusing due to word choice.

Your title is simple, and it's nice. I think that, upon first glance, the story has the drawing factor. The cover is really beautiful and it's nice to actually see the characters in the book on the cover (though you recently changed it). A lot of people use pictures that aren't the MC's at all or anyone in the book itself and I've never understood that, but to each their own. I think for your writing, that is a bonus.

What you want to work on is the blurb, but just a little tweaking will help.

Example below

"Where is the Saint?"

These words have grown in question since the Dark Night.

Countries were wiped, and a society of Hunters promised to help humanity against the not-so-new threat.

The ones that survived fought every night, hopes of achieving what they had lost became purpose. Those who escaped found safety in other countries, namely France.

Alexis and Krista are twins who live in Lille, France. Alexis is close to finishing her Hunter training.

Krista is struggling to find her place in the world before their eighteenth birthday. (I'd give some explanation here as to why Krista is struggling. Maybe something happened? Something without telling the story, but again giving the much needed pull to reel in some readers.)

And discover the reason behind her sister's actions - This sentence here could be taken out because unless you add something before this that explains a little about the sister's actions then this right here sounds a bit confusing.

What I'd suggest is something like this- Alexis has been keeping secrets, her movements becoming strange to Krista. Krista's curiosity grows in which she feels she must discover the reason behind her sister's actions.

Then what I'd put here is describe the setting a little bit. Where do they live? The home or maybe something that sets the tone in leading up to this sentence here:

Their safety is put at stake when the first girl of their city goes missing.

The opening: I can see the suspense you have. The building up is great, but some of the text in the first chapter is a bit rushed. I'd slow down on certain things, because here is where you'd want to set the mood and keep the seats high for the rest of the book, thus contiuningly keeping readers on edge. So I'll be taking a few paragraphs and word playing with them to show you what could help harvest the setting a bit.

In the first chapter, The Dark Night-

The family was watching television and then he shook his wifes shoulder but then Krista pulled on his shirt, he pushed her and she hit her head on the table. Her sister then came to comfort her and they both yelled at him in Italian. The mother only reacted when the black cat hissed, smacking her husband.

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