"Always has to be a mix," he said darkly.

"Good news is I think this horse hates me a little less than when we started," she said gesturing to the beast beneath her. He hadn't tried to bite her for the last five minutes so she saw that as progress. "Bad news, for you at least, this poor posture rider is going to beat you back to the stables" she finished with a wink before kicking the horse into motion.

As the horse took off in a gallop she heard Tommy chuckle from behind her.

"Hell will freeze over if you ever actually are able to beat me" he called as his horse quickly gained ground. As they neared the barn, Tommy managed to pull forward, sending her a smirk as he passed her. It had been a pipe dream to beat Tommy on horseback but even though she lost she still managed to put a smile on his face.

"I guess for now hell will remain nice and toasty for you," she said with a huff as her horse slowed to a stop next to Tommy's. Tommy was already jumping off the saddle and making his way over to her to help her off.

"Let's go home my little sore loser," he said softly as he helped her onto the ground. The stable boys were quick to grab the horses to take them to be cleaned before putting them away.

"Next time I'm winning, just you wait," she said turning in his arms to face him.

"I can't wait," he said with a kiss on her forehead.

As the pair walked back to the car, Elena couldn't help but wish they could stay just a little longer. But responsibility and an endless list of tasks were waiting for them back in Small Heath.


Chaos was waiting for the pair back in Small Heath. Arthur had killed a boy, murdered him with the wrath of his own fists. Elena and Tommy had been flagged down as they entered back in the city and quickly learned what had ensued while they were away. Needing to get the situation handled fast, they decided to split up. Tommy was to go look at the body while Elena was to round up Finn and Isaiah, who had been there to see what went down. Elena knew she couldn't stomach seeing the body of the young boy anyways.

As Elena fast walked through the streets she felt her mind whirl at all the possibilities of what was to come of Arthur. She should have recognized sooner that he was in this bad of a place; she should have talked to him about it. Elena forced these worries down as she turned the corner, she could freak out later; she had to focus on getting the situation handled first.

As she arrived at the betting halls, she spotted Isaiah and Finn waiting outside, they must have expected they would be wanted. Elena watched Finn's body relax as he realized she was alone and that Tommy was not there. Little did the boys know that he would be on his way shortly.

"Come on let's head into the office," she said quietly as she reached the door. As she walked through the main building she felt multiple pairs of eyes on her no doubt wanting to know how it was being handled. Word traveled fast in Small Heath.

"El, you have to understand he went feral" Finn started as soon as the office door was closed behind them. She could tell in his eyes that he was afraid about what would happen to him and Arthur.

"Finny" she started using her personal nickname for the boy "I'm just here to ensure you both are in the office for when Tommy arrives. He's the one who is going to want to hear this" she finished as she watch both of the boy's bodies tense up at Tommy's name. When the pair had split up, Tommy had taken the car and she had walked on foot so she knew he would be here in a short time.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. I'll stay when you tell Tommy what happens. You have my word neither of you will be punished if you are honest. I swear on it." she said not liking the dejected look on their face. She knew Tommy would never physically hurt either of these boys but clearly, they both had a healthy dose of fear toward him.

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