He began snoring lightly. It sounded like he could finally sleep. He looks so peaceful asleep. I stroked his hair, touching his soft black locks. 

The door to my room opened and Dolores popped her head in. “Everything okay?” She asked.

“Mhm. Yeah, it is now.” I smiled down at a sleeping Mike.

“Do you need anything?” She asked. 

“No. I’m satisfied.” I told her. She smiled at me.

“I’ll go be with Manuel.” She said and quietly left the room. I began humming a soft lullaby and watched Mike sleep. Poor thing must be exhausted.

Slowly, everything began to come back. My memory of the accident was now starting to piece together. I remember hugging Mike. I looked behind him and remembered seeing Juan stealthy walking towards Mike with a firearm in his hand. It was quick thinking, and at the expense of myself, that I decided to turn Mike around to make sure Juan didn’t shoot him.

But to my surprise, I felt a bullet hit me. Two shots rang out. I could still feel the sudden warmth and pain that came from my abdomen. Then I remember falling on the ground and trying to make sure Mike was okay.

That fear that came in during what I thought was my final moment. I just needed to tell Mike that everything was going to be okay.

I thought then that we weren’t destined for a happily ever after. I’ve read stories of true love and thought I wasn’t worthy of it. 

Guess in the end we might have our happily ever after.

I fell asleep alongside Mike. Even after being in a coma for so long, I was tired. My sleep was nothing but bliss. My hand, which was touching Mike’s hair, continuously let me know that he was still by my side.

“Ant. Ant! Wake up!” I felt someone shaking me. I squinted my eyes open and saw familiar blue eyes looking at me.

“Mike.” I said. 

“Ant.” He replied. “You have some visitors.” He said. I gripped his hand tight.

“Don’t leave.” I muttered.

“I’m not.” He chuckled. “I bribed some of the staff to let in more people. You just gotta take it easy.” He said. 

Mike wheeled over to the door and opened it. On the other side, I saw Dina, Ms. Bella, Petey, and Avalon.

“Hi, Antonio. How are you feeling?” Dina asked. Everyone walked in together and stood around me.

“Tired.” I replied. 

“I brought these!” Petey announced, holding up a pot of blue and pink hydrangeas. “Grew ‘em myself.” He said.

“They’re lovely.” I replied. He set the flowers down next to me on the nightstand. 

“Do you remember what happened?” Ava asked.

“Yeah. I do. Sadly.” Then I remembered about Archie and Juan. “What about those two?” I asked.

“Juan and Archie? They were arrested. Attempted murder I think. And destruction of property for Juan and assaulting an officer for Archie.” Avalon said.

“Dina? How have you been?” I asked the crying girl. 

She wiped her tears. “Fine. I had to sneak out to come here. I’m gonna get spanked later for sure.” She laughed.

“Thank you all for being here.” Mike grabbed my hand and looked at me. “Have you told them, Mike?” I said to him. 

“Huh? Oh, right. Guys, we're still going through with our plans. In less than two weeks, we’ll be leaving Newport for good.” He said.

Dina had a small smile on her face. I guess she knew this would happen.

After we all talked with each other, everyone left, except for Mike. He refused to let my hand go and even fed me my food.

Dolores then walked in.

“How are you two?” She asked us.

“Never been better.” Mike replied.

“I’ll bring your suitcase over in a few days. Michael, you should go home once you get discharged and finish up your things. Or is one of your friends bringing your stuff?”

“I’ll have someone bring it.” Mike replied. 

“Um, Dolores. If I leave before Manny wakes up, will you tell him everything?” I asked her.

“Of course, Tonio. I’ll make sure he understands.” She replied.

I thanked her as she left us alone. 

“Can I kiss you?” Mike asked me. He looked down at his lap, blushing like a small child. 

“Why are you so embarrassed?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. Cause whenever I want to kiss you, I get butterflies. Even after all this time, I still feel nervous.” He said. I leaned over and grabbed his face in my hands and planted the biggest kiss ever.

“No reason to be nervous. I trust you.” I said. He nudged his face in my hand so carefully.

The day for our departure was getting closer. Mike had my room moved right next to his. Both of us also began to learn to walk normally again. And our statements on the shooting were taken by police. 

It’s been a hectic few days. 

It’s weird to believe that 5 months ago, I was just a normal-ish kid who went to school and came home. And today, I’ve been shot twice, have gotten married, became a social pariah, and am planning on running away with a guy.

Life sorta throws curveballs at you. You can either get hit, or dodge them. 

The cold from the snow settled in. Outside was a winter wonderland. In the years prior, I would’ve been out there playing in snow with Dina. But today, I’m in my room with Mike as we begin to design how we want our home to look.

“Can we plant a willow near the river? I think it’ll look cool.” I said.

“And who will be planting this tree, might I ask?” Mike said.

I brought my hand to his biceps and gripped them. “My strong husband.” I replied. Mike’s face turned red as he chewed on the pencil.

“Only you.” He said. Right as Mike began to plan our bedroom, Dolores ran into the room.

According to Mike, she does this sometimes.

“Antonio! Manuel woke up!” She quickly told me. I jolted up and ran to her.

“Seriously? Right now?” I said.

“Mhm! Come on! Let’s go see him!” She said. I turned to Michael.

“Do you want to wait here?” I asked him.

“I’ll go with you. He’s basically my brother-in-law.” Mike responded.

Both me and Mike followed a fast Dolores down the hospital hallways towards the familiar ICU wing. She stopped us in front of Manny’s room.

“Get ready. He might be a bit confused.” Dolores warned me.

“I know how that feels.” I said.

I opened the door carefully, stepped in, and saw Manny already sitting up and looking at me.

“Is this when you tell me you’re leaving?” Manny said. The first words he’s said to me in weeks.

Guess it’s time I do some explaining.


<3 xoxo

His Saint, His Jewel ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ