#24 rumors

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I've gotten to school and heard the most horrific thing ever, it's not about me, it's about the person I love the most.


Everyone is saying disgusting stuff about her, me and Tabitha tried to shut them up and close the rumors but they wont listen.

They say that she's been trying to seduce Sean, we all know that's not true. Heck! They're not even dating!

But what if it is true...?

But if she was seeing Sean she would've told us right? We're her bestfriends we have the right to know! But maybe she was embarrassed?

Wait embarrassed of what?!

Oh my gosh why am I jumping into conclusions...

I'm such a horrible bestfriend.

As me and Tabitha were talking, Willow came storming up to us, "what the hell is happening?!" She exclaimed.

"Willow-" Tabitha tried holding her hand before she pulled her hand away.

"Don't Willow me, I'm asking you guys a question so answer it" She said sternly.

I sighed before replying, "they were some rumors going around... about you and Sean" I looked down in shame not wanting to face her teary eyes.

She scoffed and stormed off.

"I feel so bad we can't do anything!" Tabitha said.

I stayed quiet and continued to looked down avoiding her eyes, she tilted her head and lifted my chin up. "Keep your chin up Avani! We have a mission and that mission is to save our friend!" Tabitha exclaimed before grabbing my hand, we ran through all the students and made our way to our class.

Tabitha said we'll talk to the boys after school.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?


We're currently with the boys and they all seemed very invested with finding out who made that rumor.

I couldn't even participate in their discussion by the amount of discomfort I felt.

There isn't any particular reason.

I just feel like something bad is going to happen, I just can't get my finger onto it.

What is happening with Willow? And why is she being so quiet lately.

Maybe if I connect the dots it'll work..? No that's invading privacy, oh gosh this is so frustrating!

I felt uneasy and Morgan noticed my silence when everyone was discussing what to do about the rumor.

"Baby, you good?" He whispered in my ear, I backed away slightly and nodded

"I'm.. okay" I gave him a smile, a fake smile.

He looked at me with suspicion filling his face.

He was about to talk before I lifted my hand signaling him to stop, "I'm okay, I swear" I lied.

"Guys I'm gonna go home" I avoided their gazes, and without then answering I left the school building.

I'm confused, mostly scared, I genuinely don't know what I'm feeling but I'm definitely scared.

I'm scared that Willow isn't okay, that she's hiding something from us and is struggling quietly by herself. I'm scared that she's struggling with anxiety and no one is helping her.

I'm scared that I failed my job as a bestfriend, and one of the main reasons is because I didn't ask her how she was.

I even almost believed this rumor, how can you believe a rumor when the victim started crying?!

Whoever made this rumor is cruel. Rot in hell jerk.


I just got to school and rumors have been going around everywhere, I saw some girls whispering about Sean as anger filled my face.

What are they saying about my best friend?

I stormed up to them and they looked up at me with their red flustered faces, disgusting.

"What's happening?" I asked with a plain face.

"Oh. There's just this rumor that Willow tried seducing Sean, such an attention seeker right? Oh look she's right there!" The girls clapped happily.

I furrowed my eyebrows and saw her with her tear stained eyes.

I gasped quietly and was about to walk up to her before she ran out of the school, why is she running out of the backdoor though?

I scoffed at the girls and ran behind her out of the school, she began to run into the alley behind the building, where is she going?

I tilted my head and ran after her, I stopped when I heard shouting coming from Willows voice.

I couldn't make out what she was saying but I know it wasn't pretty.

Sean walked out of the alley with a cold look and saw me, he grabbed my collar and whispered something, "tell anybody that you saw me talk to her and I'll kill you. Got it?" He said in his deep voice, I slightly nodded.

He let go of me and I caressed my poor damaged throat.

My poor vocal cords...

After a few seconds Willow ran out of the alley while crying, she ran to the school gate and saw Lucas, she gave him a hug and he glared at me and looked away quickly when I caught him staring.

What is happening?


What do you think their argument was about? I hope this is a good spoiler to give you guys a hint and keep you excited for my next story!

~ Sofi

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