#20 I'm sorry

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I was sitting on my bed with black bags under my eyes, "seriously Avani, why are you letting him do this to you?!" Willow scolded me while Tabitha patted my shoulder.

"Leave her alone Willow you don't know what it feels like to love" She rolled her eyes at Willow.

She noticed how Willow's face dropped in a second and tilted her head.

"Don't assume things Tabitha" Willow lowered her voice while giving her a cold gaze.

Tabitha nodded slowly and I felt a bit out of place feeling all the tension between us.

"Guys please don't argue, I don't feel like pulling you guys away from each other" I whined.

They both rolled their eyes at me earning a frown from me, "moral of the story.." Tabitha said.

"Don't cry because of that jerk face. Boys are jerks, you should just date me" Willow winked at me.

I chuckled and they both smiled before we all pulled each other into a group hug.

"Group hug!" Tabitha pulled her phone out and took a picture of us.

After that me and Tabitha just continued to talk to each other about random stuff, while Willow seemed like she was texting somebody, she had a vey serious gaze on her face as she gripped onto her phone tightly.

"Will?" I tapped her shoulder and she flinched before chuckling nervously.

"S-sorry I zoned out..." She scratched her nape, we both gave her suspicious looks before shrugging it off and continuing our little girl talk.


"No way in hell am I going to play Bloody Mary" Willow said as me and Tabitha tried pushing her into the bathroom.

"Willow stop being a party pooper! You lost rock, paper, and scissors so you have to go in" Tabitha rolled her eyes.

"Ugh fine" Willow groaned in annoyance before walking into the bathroom before shutting the door.

We already took her phone so she wouldn't turn on her flashlight, we also checked her pockets just in case she had something with her.

We sat on the bed and waited for Willow to talk.

"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.." Willow said in a horrific voice.

"WHY ISN'T THIS IDIOT POPPING UP- OH MY GOD GIRLL I'M SORRY DON'T KILL ME" I laughed at her while Tabitha was already in tears.

"Nah I'm so done with this stupid game, I'm out Mary, I wish the best for you and your lamb" She walked out of the bathroom with her forehead full of sweat and her neat hair messed up.

Me and Tabitha had our lips pursed so we don't burst into laughter, we ended up failing because of Willow looking at us with a serious look on her face.

After we started laughing she joined us and we all were just a bunch of maniacs laughing.

Is this why people say sisters before misters? I agree with whoever made that quote.


I walked around in circles while the guys were looking at me with annoyance filling their faces.

"Oh my God man your love life is so depressing that I'm becoming depressed," Lucas said dramatically while facepalming.

I gave him a cold glare and he put his hands up in defeat.

"Bro if it's that difficult than just apologize" Sean said.

Wow why didn't I think of that?

Hint the sarcasm.

"Thank you for your awesome advice Sean, I already saw her instagram, she's hanging out with Willow and Tabitha."

Aaron literally fell asleep while listening to my stupid rants and Adrian gave up on me.


"The whole reason of why you hurt her is so stupid! This is why jealousy is unhealthy. Man up and apologize" He said, I was about to pull out my phone before he cut me off.

"And dont text her or call her, she'll know you're being sincere if you go up to her in real life and just pour everything out to her" I nodded and sat on the ground, leaning my head onto my closet.

"Noted" I said, the rest of us just started talking while Aaron was still asleep. Why is he such a sleepyhead? Understandable because of my annoying ranting.

I don't know how I'm going to apologize to her, I have to make sure its not too cheesy though.

I dont want to bring a whole banner to school that says "I'm sorry" on it.

Thats cringe as hell.

I might as well go up to her and do a backflip before doing the jazz hands and apologizing.


Morgan is finally gonna man up and apologize! About damn time -Lizzo

~ Sofi

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