#16 its on Roger

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I still felt a bit worried about Morgan, what happened to his hands and why is he clenching his fists so hardly that his knuckles turned white?

I continued to stare at his knuckles not noticing I zoned out, he grabbed my wrist and I looked at him with widened eyes.

"We're up" He said, I nodded and we got up before standing in front of the class.

I've always had stage fright, I never really liked presentations which led me to telling my teacher about my little phobia, she agreed but that changed now that we have a new art teacher.

He began to explain his part of the drawing.

"the black represents emptiness and loneliness, it's what people feel when they think that no one understand them and that they feel alone, no matter how many people are in your life you'll still feel lonely on the inside. We have decided to paint the canvas black that way students can relate to our painting and will know that they are never alone" He said, our teacher gasped and we both looked her confusedly.

"That's... beautiful" She wiped a fake tear, "continuer!" She exclaimed in French.

I chuckled and continued his explanation, "The rose represents a lot of different things, red represents greed and love while green represents growth and luck. The reason why I chose a rose is because its beautiful colours have so many different meanings. As Morgan said, black represents empty and loneliness while the rose represents what we feel around the people we love and how we feel when we work on ourselves and become better people."

"ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR MORGAN AND AVANI" She yelled and everyone started applauding.

I looked at Morgan and he looked at me with a small smile on his face, I smiled back at him and we both returned to our seats.

The bell rang shortly after we sat down and before we could leave the classroom our teacher stopped us.

"Adkins and Hollister!" She smiled widely.

"A+ for the both of you!!" She exclaimed again making Morgan flinch, earning a quiet giggle from me.

It's surprising how the quiet jerk could be such a baby, very two faced if you ask me.

We both thanked her and left the classroom before making our way to the cafeteria, I sat in between Tabitha and Willow.

"So how was the project?" Aaron asked.

"It was cool" I said taking a bite out of my cheese pizza.

"And by cool she means we got an A+" Morgan said proudly.

Sean pat his shoulder and whispered something in his ear making him hit Seans back hardly, "ow what the hell man!"

The guys started laughing and Tabitha rolled her eyes, "Boys" She sighed.

We continued to talk and make stupid jokes until the bell rang telling everyone to get to their classes, yay more school.

I walked in the empty hallway making my way to my class because I was late, I don't know how I'm late I just am, my thoughts were interrupted when I bumped into a hard chest.

I gasped and quickly apologized before I looked up, seeing Damian Roger, he smirked at me.

I gulped my saliva and backed away making some space between us.

"A bit clumsy aren't you?" He chuckled, I nodded slowly with a shy smile on my face.

"I'm.. really sorry for that" I grinned.

He hummed, "remember when I saved you from that teacher?" He asked.

Where is this going...


He leaned down to my height, "you still owe me from that day.." He smirked.

"What do I owe you?" I crossed my arms.

"A date. Later at 7 pm, Oakwood park. I wanna show you something there" I nodded and he brought out his phone, giving it to me so we can exchange numbers.

"See you there Damian" I left him and ran to my classroom.

What am I getting myself into?


I stood there, with anger filling inside if me, I fought the urge to cause a scene between me and him just because of Avani.

And now he's asking her out on a date? And she agreed?

I scoffed at the two of them smiling before I walked away, not wanting to watch them be all lovey dovey in front of me.

After making my way to the rooftop, I sat down on the bench and put in airpods, allowing the music to blast in my ears.

Why am I being sad over a girl who probably doesn't even like me considering the fact she's going out with another guy just a few days after our date.

A bit selfish huh?

I'm not being selfish, my feelings are totally valid, I deserve to feel hurt. I don't even understand why she decided to just leave me for some jerk face.

He's not right for her, not saying I am, but he's definitely not the guy to mess around with. He's not the type of heartwarming cute boyfriend.

He's the seductive dirty and abusive type of boyfriend, kind of like a villain. Once he lures you into his trap he'll play around with you like a doll until you die.

Which is a bit dramatic but I don't want Avani to go through that, though she is very strong, she never got sad even with the way I treated her.

I guess it was stupid for me to act that way but she was getting annoying with all the stupid love letters, that I still keep in my room for some reason.

I need a break from love, who knew it was this tiring? Then again it's not highschool without all of the cheesy mushy pickup lines according to every highschool student ever.

Love is supposed to be sweet and cute, not annoying and stressful.

It's a but weird that I'm getting really mad about Avani going on a date with my horrible cousin.

Now that I put it that way... it's not that weird.

Who says I'm gonna leave her with that idiot? I'm going to follow the both of them and once they try to end the night with a little smooch I'm going to go full on ninja on that guy.

This is just about to start Roger, the battle of who wins Avani.


Comment and vote lovelies!<3

~ Sofi

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