#8 detention

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I just saw the fight between Damian and Morgan, I didn't know they knew each other.

Now I'm even more curious about Morgan, why did Damian say that about him? Did Morgan actually say that? Why am I so curious about his life? It's none of my business anyways.

"That was crazy" Tabitha said with her mouth still wide.

"I agree" Willow nodded.

I saw Morgan run off and felt a bit bad, should I go cheer him up? He'll just push me away though.. screw it.

"I'm gonna go after him" The girls nodded and I quickly made my way to the staircase.

I hesitated when I was standing in front of the door to the rooftop, he would just yell at me. So what's the point?

I sighed and opened the door, shutting my eyes when the air hit my face, Morgan faced me and rolled his eyes before turning away.

"What are you doing here.." He asked nonchalantly.

He thread a hand through his hair, getting his hair out of his face.

"I saw the fight between you and Damian.. just wanted to know if you were okay" I said honestly, he groaned in annoyance and faced me once again.

"Can you leave me alone? Theres a reason why I came up here and one of them is to get away from you."

I shut my eyes, knowing there was no point, but I'm not giving up just yet.

"I know but I couldn't help but me concerned over you," Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that.

He scoffed, "why are you concerned over me? Because you want me to give you attention?"


I'm not letting him speak about me that way, this idiot.

"First of all, can you stop being such a jerk? I'm trying to help you, be more appreciative" I yelled.

"Be appreciative for what? Everyone making me feel like a bad person every time I say something, no one accepts me in this world so what's the point" He vented.

Wow I did not expect him to be so straight forward ...

He realized his actions, "damn.. my bad" He muttered while looking at the ground.

I chuckled softly and walked towards the bench before sitting down next to him.

"No one feels like that to you, even if they do, they're jerks. I accept you, your friends do as well" He raised his head and looked at me.

"Thanks..." He bit his bottom lip.

"Anytime, I may not know what happened between you guys but I know for a fact you did nothing wrong" I smiled at him before getting up.

I was about to leave the rooftop before he called my name.

"Uh- Avani.." He called out.

The way my name slips off his tongue... makes me love my name even more.

I hummed.

"Nevermind" He slung his backpack over his shoulder and ran his.

I tilted my head, this boy is confusing.

But I like it.


I just embarrassed myself in front of Avani...

Who cares.

I mean she kind of cheered me up, even though she didn't say much, her presence made me feel good.

Her soothing voice when she talks calms me down, it makes me feel as if life is perfect and there isn't anything negative about it.

Holy cow.

Why am I talking about her voice?

She sounds like any other girl who comes from Illinois, I guess...?

Ah screw it.

My thoughts were interrupted when I bumped into some dude, "argh" He grunted.

"Could you watch where youre going?" He eyed me head to toe.

"Go to hell Damian" I gave him a sarcastic smile.

He rolled his eyes at me and bumped into my shoulder on purpose before walking away.

"Jerk" I whispered under my breath.

I made my way to class and sat in my seat next to Aaron, ignoring the teacher calling my name.

"Morgan Flyn Adkins" The teacher called my name.

I looked up and tilted my head, "Yes?"

"Do you think this is some kind of joke?" She asked.

I sighed.

"No.." I said in defeat.

"Detention. Now" I rolled my eyes and got up, not wanting to protest any longer.

I walked through the empty hallway, I wish my friends  weren't in class right now.

I entered the classroom and went to the back of the class, I sat down and put my bag on the ground.

"Hey jerk face," I recognized the voice and looked at him, "what do you want Damian" I rolled my eyes.

Did I have to bump into him again?!

He smirked at my annoyed face.

"Why are you here? Goody two shoes" He laughed.

"I'm here because I almost murdered someone with the name Damian Roger" I gave him a sarcastic smile.

He fake laughed.

"Shh!" The teacher shushed us, me and Damian pointed at each other childishly.

He mocked me as I rolled my eyes at him again.



This chapter is so short :( I didn't have any ideas to continue.

~ Sofi

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