#12 feelings

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He's being more social now, I love that about him, I love this side of Morgan. I hope he gets more comfortable with me that way we can get closer, not in that way just in general.

I feel myself starting to fall for him harder and harder, I don't know what my life would be like if Morgan Adkins didn't exist.

Its like my world revolves around him, when we're together its as if there's no one in this world but us.

That sounds really cheesy but thats just how I feel towards him, and all I want is for him to feel the same, but that'll obviously never happen because he 50% hates me.

I mean I have another 50% chance to make him feel a positive way towards me I guess? But then again I only have around 2 months until school ends and everyone is off to college.


A topic I absolutely hate.

I don't know what I wanna do with my life, my family thinks I would be great if I did something like an artistic major, but I dont think that suits.

So many things for me to be and none of them fit Avani Hollister.

It's difficult and stressful if you think about it, 2 months to think of one job that's going to be my future, I always get under a lot of pressure when I think about college.

I don't even know which college I want to go to let alone choosing a major.

If I choose somewhere out of the country I'll be away from my friends and family, I dont think I'll be able to live without Willow and Tabitha. I might end up going to some community College.

Which I don't think my parents would want because they want me to get perfect.

This is a stupid thing to be thinking about at the moment. The moral of the story is that if I see a spark between me and Morgan, I need to confess before graduation.

Which is after approximately 7 weeks, 70560 minutes, and 4233600 seconds.

That's a while.

I shrugged off my thoughts and got up, making my way to the bathroom to do my night routine and go to sleep.


I got up from my bed and noticed I'm late for school, I jumped out of my bed and quickly ran to my bathroom forgetting to do most of my daily routine and decided to juts put on lotion and brush my teeth.

I brought my uniform out of the closet and stripped off my clothes before wearing my uniform, after that I ran downstairs and grabbed my lunch money and water bottle before stuffing them into my backpack.

I ran outside and jumped into Willow's car, "Hey.." I panted, Willow looked at me in disgust while Tabitha furrowed her eyebrows.

"Whats the rush..?" Tabitha asked.

"We're gonna be late for school!" I exclaimed.

"Its 7:15.." Tabitha said, my face dropped.

"I skipped half of my skincare for nothing!?" I yelled.

They both laughed.

After we arrived to school we got out of the car and made our way inside the building, as we were walking in the hallway we saw the guys and Tabitha needed something from Aaron so we walked up to them.

"Hey cutie" Aaron pecked Tabitha's cheek as she giggled.

I felt a hot breath on my ear and flinched making Morgan chuckled, "Hey, Hollister" He whispered.

"Hello, Adkins" I replied while smiling, a small grin making its way to Morgan's face.

Lucas gasped, "since when did you guys start seeing each other?!" He exclaimed, earning the attention from other students.

Willow shushed him, "shut up!" She smacked his shoulder before he grunted in pain.

"So... when?" Tabitha asked excitedly, obviously everyone is invested in this story, we were a bit of an unexpected duo...

"I don't know" He replied.

This boy said what?

The hell you mean you don't know?

This is where I punch him in the face and kick him in the shin until he apologizes.

This is also my cue to leave.

I clapped my hands, remembering to keep a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Alrighty! This has been a very fun interaction but we'll get going to class" I held both Tabitha and Willow's wrist before pulling them out of there.

"What was that for?!" Tabitha asked.

"Shut up."


That was weird.. why did she leave like that?

"Uhm bro, I think you offended her" Adrian chuckled.

"Huh?" I raised a brow.

"You know nothing about girls man" He shook his head.

I scoffed, "as if you do" I rolled my eyes.

That was a lie, I know for a fact that Adrian is the biggest jerk in the school, even if he's my friend. He also has every girl wrapped around his finger, one the the reasons why he has such a big ego.

"Morgan, I've had like 8 girlfriends in the span of 4 years" He said proudly.

"Thats not something to the proud of man.." Sean looked at him in disgust.

"At the end of the  day. Girls don't like it when you're not honest with your damn feelings, so never say 'I don't know' because that stupid" Adrian explained honestly.

I groaned, "ughh why didn't you tell me!" I whined.

"Did you just admit you like her?" Lucas laughed.

"I don't kno-"

"WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU!?" Adrian smacked the back of my head harshly, I winced and held onto my head for dear life.

"You little-" I cursed at him.

"Your fault man, your fault" Aaron shook his head.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, I know nothing about girls... I may need to get to know this girl...


I love Morgan's friend group.

~ Sofi

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