#1 soccer

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School ended a few minutes ago and I'm walking around with my friends.

They were talking about random stuff that I wasn't listening to, they both stopped in the middle of the pathway and I didn't notice and kept walking.

Until I bumped into a pole.

I held onto my nose and the girls gasped.

Willow and Tabitha ran up to me and held my arm, "watch where you're going dummy" Willow cursed at me while shaking her head.

"What were you thinking about Ave?" Tabitha asked.

They started calling me Ave ever since they met me, which was in 3rd grade, they never stopped calling me that since.

"Probably that Morgan dude. Bae you gotta grow up, he's not even all that" Willow rolled her eyes.

I scoffed, "says the girl who has the biggest juiciest crush on that one senior. What was his name? Sean or something?" I questioned her while eyeing her up and down.

"Dont talk about him that way" She pointed a finger at me, I mocked her until she was about to throw a fist at me if it wasn't for Tabitha to pull us apart from each other.

"You guys are weird... I'm so happy I'm not single" Tabitha sighed.

I wrapped my arm around Tabitha's shoulder as we continued to walk, we somehow got to the soccer field because Tabitha wanted to say bye to her boyfriend and wanted us be tag along.

We both waited for her and stood there while staring at the boys playing soccer, my eyes caught Morgan running across the field.

He stopped and put his hands on his knees while panting, I'm guessing they just finished.

He high fived the opposite team and smiled at them, he ran his hand through his slightly wet hair before ruffling his hair.

Oh his perfect hair...

"Stop watching his sweaty hair weirdo" I felt somebody's hot air in my ear and flinched.

"Will, go away" I said without gazing at her.

She snickered at me, "You're so down bad. Even more down bad than me for Sean" She shook her head.

"Shut up.." I mumbled, averting my attention back to Morgan, who was walking towards us with Sean by his side.

"Oh God! Hes coming our way- hide me" I tried hiding behind Willow but she didn't let me and told me to stay confident.

"Jerk." I whispered under my breath.

They started to get closer and closer, and I was becoming more nervous and nervous. I felt like my heart was about to pop out.

Now they're here. Right in front of us.

Sean smiled, "hey Avani," He greeted me before looking at Willow. "Hey Willow" He gave her a sweet grin, she smiled back at him without a hint of nervousness in her.

How does she do it?!

I looked at Morgan and noticed he was already looking at me, oh God. He looked away a millisecond after I caught him thought.

Is it weird that he always gives me a cold stare? Am I too annoying? Maybe I should tone it down a bit.

Wait no, if this dude doesn't like me for who I am he can jump off a bridge!

I sighed quietly while frowning knowing my voice inside my brain is not going to help me by saying that.

Tabitha came back running towards us and slowed her pace noticing the two boys in front of us, she saw Morgan and her eyes widened before looking at me with a teasing smile.

I rolled my eyes at her and gave her a stare, warning her not to do anything to embarrass me. Sean continued to talk to us for as Morgan was oddly quiet.

Thats until another one of my classmates tried jumping on his shoulder, "LUCAS YOU LITTLE-" He yelled at him, Lucas started laughing before Morgan chased him around the whole court while cursing him out.

"Well that was a weird first impression..." Willow whispered to me, still watching the young teen running after another young teen.

I found myself smiling at Morgan showing his goofy side towards Lucas.


I just finished beating the living hell out of Lucas, he deserves it for always acting like a wwe wrestler and always using me as his opponent. The others were just watching us fight and didn't even bother pulling us apart since we always argue like this.

Lucas had his hand on his shoulder, "ow man you really broke my shoulder.." He said quietly.

"Well maybe you should stop acting strong and trying to fight me knowing damn well I can break your back in less than a second, how do your parents keep up with you?" I replied back while shaking my head.

"Ouch, now you hurt my ego" He held onto his heart dramatically.

I rolled my eyes before we both made our way back to the others. I noticed that Willow was cursing at that one girl in my class while Sean was laughing his life out with Aaron's girlfriend, Tabitha or something.

"AVANI I SWEAR ON MY LIFE-" She yelled before smacking her shoulder.

Well at least now I know her name instead of just calling her "that one girl."

Avani was laughing so hard she was holding onto her stomach to contain her laughter. Which she eventually failed at doing.

The side of my lip moved upwards seeing all of my friends getting along with the trio, the girls do seem like sweet people but I feel like my friends are already too loud.

I don't need more loud friends in my life, my whole friend group are extroverts, I just look at them and wonder what their parents feed them at home.

I need more quiet introvert friends to relate to...


Chapter número uno has been posted! What do you think about Avani's friends getting along with Morgans friends? (please comment or else this will be really awkward and would seem like I'm talking to myself... ^-^

See you next chapter my beautiful lovelies <3

~ Sofi

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