Chapter Fourteen: Sharp Talons

Start from the beginning

"Correct. The sooner the better." Vis answered.

Sights smiled, "I'm so excited!"

Vision relaxed, finding comfort in Sights' happiness.

And then Talon and his squad arrived. They were the last cadets needed before the results were released.

Lafa's eyes tracked Talon as he and his squadmates took their seats. She moved away from the wall, upon which she leaned to observe all the cadets.

The room was very hushed. All the boys stayed quiet and still as they waited for Lafa to give the "okay."

She cleared the cadets to view their results before striding over to Sights' placing.

All the cadets opened the results pages.

Vision closed his eyes and opened the results. He slowly opened one eye and about sprung out of his seat when he saw that he scored ninety-two percent.

Subtle, Adrenaline, Flashback, and Ember all got upper eighties.

Zs opened his, an eighty-five percent. "Wow- A solid 'B.' I was so panicked, and now I can be at peace..." He said, monotone, before laying his head on his desk to attempt a short nap.

Circuit opened his, "Perfect as usual." He told his brothers, "One hundred."

Lafa, as she heard that Circuit had another flawless performance, assumed that Circuit was somehow altering his grades, or worse, cheating. Nonetheless, she looked at Sights, "Let's see who is the winner of this bet..." She opened the application.

Sights controlled his breathing. He recalled all the praises AZI-83 gave him, "I'm ready... For whatever happens." He told Lafa, "What did I get?"

Lafa didn't answer. She didn't blink, and her face looked a shade whiter.

"Madam Lafa Re? What did I get?" Sights repeated.

She blinked and shook her head, snapping out of her stare, "Ninety-four... You stay..." Lafa replied shortly, walking away sorely since she was proven wrong twice by the same clone in a day.

Vision gasped, "Really? Let me see!" He leaned over.

Sure enough. Sights had gotten ninety-four percent correct.

"Sights! You topped me, brother!" Vision laughed, "By two points! And even better- you are part of the squad forever!"

Sights smiled, "Wow- really? You still did awesomely! And- thank you." He let out a happy sigh, looking around the room.

A few other clones smiled at him and cheered quietly. They had secretly rooted for him from the start, and now they showed their support.

Talon scoffed silently, finally opening his results. He had delayed seeing them since he wanted to the turnout of the bet. He felt a lump form in his throat as he stared at his score. Sixty-seven percent.

One of his squadmates looked at him, "How'd you do?"

Talon closed the results, "Fine." He snapped, "None of your business." He glared at Surge Squadron, despising them more.

Vision stretched his arms, "So- I have heard results from everyone but Patches. How'd you do, brother?"

Patches didn't look happy, "I got a seventy-five... I don't know what happened- I thought I understood the content but-" He hid his face in his hands, trying to hide his shame, stress, and the surfacing tears.

Talon had caught ear of that and stood, walking over to Patches, his choice target to dump his anger. "Wow- that's a low for you, Patches." Talon began, "Like- ten points or more under your standard performance-" He chuckled to himself, "You know, you already have the bar set for disgusting and now going for dumb, I see."

"Talon quit it!" Vision snapped, "Leave Patches alone!"

Patches was already at a point of vulnerability, and at that moment, Talon's words felt like fangs sinking into his throat. He became teary-eyed, trying to close himself off and shut Talon out.

Talon disregarded Vision, "You already know how abnormal you are. No one is like you- and you are a mistake because of that. If you disappeared, I'm sure no one here would miss you, and I know you think the same exact thing every day. Just admit it, Patches. Being a failure is your identity- not a soldier... A failure."

Vision was about to confront Talon up close and personal, but someone had already intervened.

"I am very disappointed in your conduct, CT-3845!" Lafa Re scolded, taking his arm, "Your behavior is extremely concerning. Although I don't view the defectives as pristine as the rest of you, I know one thing. This behavior will not be tolerated."

Talon gasped, "Madam Lafa! You can't be siding with them!"

"I side with no one. I do what I deem as most beneficial for this facility and the clones we create here." Lafa corrected sternly. "You should be punished for your actions, and use that time you have to reflect upon your choices."

"Excuse me? Madam Lafa Re?" Subtle spoke up.

"What is it, CT-2392?"

Subtle smiled smartly, "Might I recommend an entire day of janitorial duties as a punishment to set him straight? It sure worked wonders for me, Ma'am."

Lafa thought about the suggestion before nodding, "I suppose that might do the trick... Come along, CT-3845." She proceeded to guide Talon out.

Talon glared at Subtle with fury as he left with Lafa Re and disappeared out the door.

Surge Squadron gathered around Patches in a group embrace, trying to comfort him.

"That was too far for Talon. You know all that he said was untrue. Don't let him get to you." Vis told him, laying his head against Patches' shoulder, "We love you, brother. Nothing will change that."

"Exactly." The rest agreed.

Patches sniffed, fighting tears, "Yeah..." He replied shortly.

Circuit let the hug go on for a few more seconds before releasing, "Alright, brothers. We have our results for the day, and now onto training. You'll feel better after shooting some droids, right Patches?"

Patches nodded slowly, looking at his feet lifelessly.

As Surge Squad got into formation, Vision caught a glimpse of Talon's squadmates looking at his grades.

They shared disappointed looks and mutters as they saw the low score.

Vision looked back, "He did worse than Patches-" He murmured to himself.

Sights' keen sense of hearing caught that, "Really?" He whispered back, turning his attention to Vis, who was beside him, "He did what he did out of anger?"

Vis' eyes widened, "Oh- yes, I do believe so, Sights... I think you're right."

Circuit led out and back to the simulator.

"It makes no sense..." Vision whispered to Sights, eyeing the Kaminoans and divisions of cadets that passed by, "Talon's behavior derived from his poor performance... Yeah? Why would he attack Patches out of all of us?"

Sights shook his head, "Don't know... But if there is anything that I do know, it's that Talon will continue this behavior to satisfy whatever hard feelings he has against us."


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