Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Of course, he had to bring Nico along so he wasn't totally alone. He'd labeled his best friend his 'emotional support buddy' and I would never say no to Nico helping ease the tension he might feel.

Levi may seem outgoing and cocky in his popularity, maybe even overly confident but I'd spent enough time around him to know he preferred being in his apartment or in a pool. That's why he's also late. Swim practice ran late and he didn't want me waiting around for him.

"Would you look at that, my own entourage of drop-dead gorgeous girls, is this heaven?" Nico muses as he steps into the light, his hair a mess of short curls on his head and that naughty smile on his lips.

Nova scoffs. "Trust me, if we're standing here, it's not heaven," Nova replies with a smirk, folding her arms across her chest.

Levi walks next to him and a stupid smile appears on my face before I can hide it. His eyes are already on me, taking in my more casual appearance and I blush under his gaze. He winks.

Opening his arms, he takes a few steps with his long legs until he's close enough to wrap his arms around my lower back, tugging me into his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his chest.

The distinct smell of chlorine mixed with his cologne hits my senses and I sigh happily. God, I'm a sucker already and we're not even dating.

Levi's hand trails up my back, coming to a stop at the nape of my neck. He tilts my head back, looking down at me. "Hi Peeps," he murmurs, running his fingers through my hair. "You look gorgeous."

"Hi Superstar," I tease halfheartedly, for once enjoying the little nickname he's given me. He lowers his face to mine and kisses me swiftly, tightening his grip on my hair and deepening the kiss, his tongue brushing mine.

His whole presence warms up my body down to the tips of my fingers and toes. My hand holds his jaw as I pull away, sucking in a sharp cold breath of air.

"Are you ready for tonight?" I ask softly, my thumb brushing his jaw.

He smiles down at me, his teeth shining in the small amount of light. "You did it for me, it's only right I venture into unknown territory," he says, pulling away to wrap an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his warm chest.

It's then that I note both boys are wearing all black. Black cargo-like pants and black sweaters. Thank God they listened to the dress code otherwise they'd stick out like sore thumbs. Well...more so than they already will.

A throat clears behind us and Levi's head snaps up to look over my head. A sheepish smile appears on his face. "Hi Nova."

"Levi," Nova notes playfully but I know there's an underlying threat in her tone. Hurt her, and I will hunt you down. Gotta love the commitment. She silently offers her joint to Nico who takes a small hit, quickly handing it back to her.

Nico hops from one foot to the other, hands buried in his pockets. He jerks his head in the direction of the house. "Come on, let's go inside, I'm freezing my balls off out here."

I give him a flat stare. "Charming. Bestie, you've literally been outside for less than two minutes," I tease, leaning into Levi.

Nova raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Don't you play ice hockey? How are you cold, this must feel like summer to you."

Nico walks ahead with Nova next to him. He comically rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but when I play I'm all sweaty and skating around which keeps me warm," he points out in an obvious tone.

"Well don't worry, you'll be sweating soon enough," Nova says, her voice slowly rising in volume the closer we get to the house.

A smirk full of mischief appears on Nico's lips as we get to the porch. "Sounds like my kind of party."

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